Monday, May 28, 2007

How Much Is A The Creator Yugioh Card Worth?

Good, good

Hello, people? Finally, I decided to create me a blog. The truth is that I have no idea what a blog is or what it does. Apparently, people only makes them mad is to write things. Put some songs, others show their own writings, some send enough fruit (a category which I'm going to include.)
I commented that before doing this, I was doing a kind of research of the issues mentioned above. I asked several people (all "digital natives") and my conclusion was that, like me, nobody knows as it is fashionable to have your blog, all I have. This has already lived with the MSN Meesenger. In time, will something else re-cool and we will all use.
Well, I will not extend much in my first post. I do not intend to bore anyone. But "sepanlón" and I have a blog and there is nothing they can do about it. Ci vediamo dopo