Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Espresso Stands For Sale Wa

By profession, journalist

What a surprise I got the other day to read the definition of the word journalist in Wikipedia . Actually, what caught my attention most was not the definition, but the next paragraph.
Apparently, there are too many journalists to uphold the truth. Today, the daily radio news and opinions are machines. And the worst is that they all boast the best information. There
any number of non-news that may appear in the newspaper, which is then discussed by all of us as if it were true. I often wonder where it came from the blind confidence we have in the information they give us.
An extreme example of journalism is what makes the newspaper / magazine Barcelona. Those guys are fantastic. They not only false, if you do not know what the intention of the magazine, totally credible but also has sections of newspapers 'real' in which to bring out the absurdities that most of the time they are published. To give you an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat I say, I put some examples:
"They spend two retired police dogs sexual harassment "
" The Whole Truth about the dance of the time: 'tap dance' is related to the environment cabarets "
" compensate a beer taster became an alcoholic because: What's happening in the world sommeliers? "

Believe me, these stories are real and have been published by newspapers.

Surely the media are not merely to inform but also to bill and generate revenue. From this it follows that they would almost (?) anything to sell. As ever took it out on the groups that were a mile a minute on the street and went "wild" traffic lights red (now thankfully no longer make it ... How are you doing? Insurance? But if it does not leave any of it in the newspaper ...) are now engaged in advertising or jumping footballers against any candidate.
I will end with a little of advice is this: stop believing anything you tell us. Whether you come by the newspaper or the best of our friends. The things you always hear and see a partial view of what is reality. One always has the power to believe whatever they want, but know that truth is a die of a thousand faces (faaaaaaah! philosopher I got inside, sorry).
Relax and live life. We talked the next