Friday, August 24, 2007


The Art of Writing Women and Sport

Many of you may ask (and some have done) why I stopped writing in this space. Well, the reality is that we never stopped doing it. Simply, this time there was a small discrepancy with my "editor" and that made the publication is delayed. Nothing more than that. Above all things, I want to clarify that there was no class censorship to me or to this content.
The issue that brings us here today are women, although this is not the only term used to refer to these creatures so special. This depends on the issue we are referring. If we were talking about their physical appearance could call mine, mignon, chocolate, dog, bug, cute, etc.. As for the relationship we have with them we could hear stuff like girlfriend, wife, life, little thing, cucuruchito, dulce de leche, crazy, hysterical and other things that are not reproducible.
There is something that has me intrigued and that is the hatred women have for sports. I wonder, if there a historian in this hearing, if there was any point in the past in which the sport has abused females. Perhaps that way could get to explain that hatred.
illustrative purposes only, I'll put some examples of conversations between men and women talking about sports. But do not think everything is so easy in life. The women, though often not enough, are people with some intelligence and their responses vary according primarily to the link they have with the victim and the time it takes the link

Example 1: Boy in the middle stage of "lift "

H: I would say go for a drink on Sunday, but I have a game football that I can not miss
M: Do not worry. I love men who play sports and go back home sweaty. Its another wave ...

Example 2: Boy a year of thinking I was going to be happy

M: You could miss the game tomorrow, because it is our anniversary, right?
H: 5 years ago I have been playing every Sunday. Besides I told you I'm going to spend the Sunday with you until I go to the party. And do you know the surprise I have for you tomorrow ...
M: Well, okay. Anda. A re-makes me glad I play, really. It happens that I am a little selfish, but I know that you will do well

Example 3: Boy at 2 years
H: What do you think we eat tonight? I have not really wanted to cook today. Ah! I notice that after I did not say anything, next week, and every Sunday for 10 years, I'll play football with the "kids."
M: Make what you want. I do not even mind being here to spend Sunday with me. Besides, do not even have the delicacy of a bath before coming home

Surely, many / as they felt identified / as written the dialogues above. Many times I'm amazed at the stories I hear lies or pre-no-te-voy-a-drop-more-in-the-life-and-you-do-the-life-impossible.
Yet despite all this, one can not help but be attracted to this genre as contradictory and vengeful. I am among those who think like the best of feminists. I really like the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing the keeper of the house, the boys while the "support" of the house (they understand the double meaning, no?) Is killed like a dog laburando 12am. day.
Clearly, there is plenty of material to cut on this issue, so do not be surprised if we return to play.
Before concluding, I want to publicly thank all the comments on the blog and emails (a little weird as that sounds, right? Would be something like e "imeils") I receive daily. People from Chubut, Misiones, Corrientes, Uruguay, El Salvador and other Latin American countries. I can not answer them all but know that I keep in the Deleted folder with lots of affection.
Remember: the more anger we hold, we need more laughter.
Adeus e os mais melhores Desejos all