Friday, November 30, 2007

Blueprint To Build Computer Desk

usual characters: Chapter Passengers

Who has not ever traveled by bus? Well, there are several (this blog is for people like me, saw ?)... but who has not ever seen People piled on top of "the monsters of asphalt? So begins this series of descriptions of the characters we see every day, of which we laugh, to which we spend, to which bother because they are different.
Our first character is the always controversial children. Brave as few, Pibito crosses the city from home to school or vice versa. Maybe sometimes this innocent boy becomes the worst of our nightmares. Your backpack is the main cause of the steaks that one is deprived of him. It feels like a game of "Playstation 3" (faaaaa. .. I made a fool ...) for him. The more people knock it, the more points you get. In turn, there is also "Athletic child." Purrete that he thinks the rings hanging from the group are to practice for the olipíadas. Or that the rails are used for balance. Or that one's feet are rubber. Or that the muscular and virile man who has the best pillows. Well no, not (that is, not the best of the pillows, but muscular and masculine). Leaving aside
children, others take us out of our boxes are located at the other end of the timeline. Yes, you guessed. LADIES older. Whether your portfolio hits us directly in the cornea or in the neck, or because their constant complaints not only make our trip a nightmare, but we also prohibit enjoy one of the few pleasures it has to ride the "cole": sleep. On the other hand, I often wondered if the travel was younger? Otherwise do not explain as to slip below one at a speed ultrasonic "steal" the seat.
Other "puppets" of the group are the dreamers. Those boys who, against all odds, the seat very uncomfortable using the vehicle in question as if it was the best mattress in the best suite of the best hotel in the world. Nothing wakes up (except the ladies moaner mentioned above). Not even the constant braking suddenly our driver friend (in the jargon, also called "bondilero"). Or the thunderous noise made by the engines. Neither the door slam against its stop or make the wheels squeal when braking.
Those that can not be left out of this "tribute" are "frogs." The modus operandi of such people is to jump from seat to seat, thus trying to improve its position in the group. I could not tell which is the goal of these people or if you are given awards for travel in certain parts of the "bus." If anyone knows, please leave it in the comment and desasnennos.
Finally, we find people who bet on the culture. That is, people who go on the bus reading or listening to music. These are the elite itself of the collective (and I do not mean to toilet paper, please do not put me paranoid, eh?!). There are some people trying to get plate with the books they are reading. Sometimes I could swear that people are not progressing in their reading, and is always on the same page.
Among those who read the newspaper we have two types: the meticulous, who reads the entire note, which does not pass through the sports section, considering "animal" and the other we have the "animals" that do not respect the page number, creasing all day. The latter only read the sports or daily Olé and jokes section, and flicking through the newspaper to see if there is a picture of some starlet with little clothing. There is something shared by these two classes of characters: if the 1114 is full, the types are indifferent. Also daily strip, it matters little and nothing the other characters around him.
There are also two genres within the music listeners. There are those who look like they are not hearing anything, since neither flinch and listen to music too softly to one, who sits beside him on purpose to hear something, hear something. And of course there are the rockers . These master musicians will offer a recital in the middle of bondi. I sing the most powerful and even make you mimic the guitar. If can present a deteriorated appearance and a foul smell, the types you have fun. They are frustrated rock stars looking for their arrival at the place better bundle up your child.
To end this post, I give you an anecdote that happened to a cousin of the brother of a friend. " Location: Mar del Plata. The boy was only 15 years and was the first time I went on vacation only with a school friend. It turns out that for some reason I do not remember, the guy was returning alone from the center of this seaside resort to a lighthouse, on the bus 512 (I think it was that the number). The rate had been extremely sleepy and the bus, at a speed that could not be determined yet, turn on a curve very close. This causes the subject's head in question almost full impacts against the window. Of course, after such a shame, the guy does not even opened his eyes and simply listen to the laughter of his fellow travelers insensitive. But that was not all that happened in that dark journey. Near the terminal, and in dreams, the beardless hear the hoarse voice of the driver saying, "Last Stop" button until you notice a slight sign of life in the only passenger on the bus. Half awake, I turn to the front door of the vehicle and calculate how many steps are there to download and save time to go to sleep faster. Unfortunately, the calculation was not good and, with the collective motion, the kid falls to the asphalt. Luckily nothing happened. All she had to endure the screams of the driver was saying things like "Are you mad, kid?", "Come over here ..."," You need a doctor? ".
Stay in this channel to see the next chapter of "The characters always"