Tuesday, December 18, 2007

How To Waterproof Domke

blessed holiday

How beautiful is the holiday season! You get anxious, start doing things that otherwise would not. There joy, but also nostalgia. There are quiet, yet vertigo, because one always has to do, planning or research things of the places where it is going (Note for the illiterate to read this blosssss: going going to "and" yoghurt, because Jamie comes from the word go that also goes with i but America, like Che Guevara).
I, for instance, I am right now and am planning my vacation "a thousand" with the organization. What to look for places to hike, to finalize the details of the trip, which assemble the bags, all ready to leave the laburo for no problems. Still, this holiday was that I had never done (ie, even when he was not preparing a trip): I grabbed the compulsivity . Yes, I'm buying things to die. Not me at all.
Without going any further, I was all on Saturday and out of clothing stores, trying on shirts, pants, shoes, everything that comes to mind. For those who do not know me, that I did it will be something common, something that would make anyone at any time in his life, something necessary for life. Well, not me. I always managed to avoid going to buy anything, either because there were clothes for the dates on which gift (birthday, Christmas, Epiphany, Day of the Child etc) or because they received used clothing (also known as "large family syndrome").
is amazing how many people are shopping. I never would have imagined. The distribution would be something like 90% women, 9% men face fret because women will destroy the card, 1% who do not have more people who will provide them with clothing or the mother told them they were great go shopping for clothes alone. At some point I will make a chapter of The Characters Compranet always with these beings.
Returning to the subject that brought us here, the holidays are the best thing that can happen. And you can tell when someone is to go for, say, apathetic people become friendly, for those who are a little nervous types are left bare or simply because some do get the color to the face.
I often wonder what these holidays. Eh! Do not get ahead, man ... that impatient! I'm not a dolobu, finish reading before judging ...
I said, you always think that holidays are to rest, to relax, to start the year "with everything." Relidad But is it? Let's see ...
Take the example of a guy like me (for those who do not know me I'm fachero, successful and very humble). Before leaving, one is filled with stress and travel arrangements, to which we must add that wine collecting throughout the year (if you take a vacation every year ...). While on vacation in paradise chosen, one has to queue for itr to eat at a restaurant (read as "restaurant"), in line to go on field trips, crowded places (which, if we're lucky, it smells well). If you go to the beach, are the kids who play football and we're stuck with the ball or lanyards to walk by so close to one that end up being "Milan." If we are in a quiet place, such as the mountain, do not miss the guy who goes with the car and puts his arch-super-mega-extra-large stereo to all of volume to break our peace. Not to mention if we go with children ...
If we could get some rest on vacation, the rest only serves to support the return trip. Flight delays, gridlock on the roads, car failures, fights for the kids in the back seat because they will not return ...
But missing the cherry on the champagne: the return to work. It is very likely that the pile of work that we have not made anymore and are replaced by one containing the double! of laburo. So one must not only take in half the time laburo twice, but it also has to take a few minutes to discuss the "good" trip to see pictures and, above all things, for one entregeue what has brought as souvenirs.
not forget that this procedure is repeated for family and friends who will be eager to come to our house to pick something, to see the photos you've taken out and listen to the story at that point, we have already counted more than 1000 ( one thousand) times.
you remember how I started the post? Well, now I think the holidays are nothing more than an accumulation of stress when in fact believe the opposite. What is the power of the mind ... I think I'll cancel my trip. Forgive me, right back.
Bon voyage!