Tuesday, March 17, 2009

High Bp Severe Pain In Left Shoulder Blade

Luck, a question of attitude? The characters always

all know there are successful people and others. There are people who make decisions and doing well. And are the others. Ever wondered why? That's a question I ask myself all the time. Why a "just" doing as well? What does "which" to doing so badly?
is very likely that when someone goes wrong, we know why. It is difficult to say why alguine doing well. The hard part is telling someone what you are doing well. In fact, when someone receives a greeting is likely to ask anyone what was right for it. It's just nice to know that you did something right, no matter what. That's why we learn more from mistakes than successes.
So I started to notice the "details." In doing experiments. And then I gave him reason to Fito Paez, is only a matter of attitude. There are subtle but important differences that make an idea work or not.
One of the main reasons why something works is the unconscious feeling that things will work. In fact, in most cases, those lucky people for some reason even thought that the idea could fail. Some call it positive. For others it is lucky. Tell people good energy beyond. Everyone seems to be talking about it.
is true that some people this comes naturally, and one that can not be fatalistic and stop worrying about everything. That's why I did an experiment. I am a positive type by nature so I decided to start thinking negatively. All this while playing a game to fifteen broom (although it was actually a 21, because it was played with "broom" (?)). In general, I do well in card games. Needless to say it was winning the match, so "I decided to" get grumpy and start "protesting" internally every time I could not lift a letter, or by each Once my opponent is wearing letters. And guess what? Of course, I ended up losing the game. One thing I noticed is that when you're depressed, thinking about negative things, you can not think clearly and your decisions are, in general, incorrect. It's like the difference between when you go to the casino to have fun and when you go because you MUST win. Of course it is just an experiment but if you going to watch carefully, almost every time something goes wrong, there are some self-boycott. The famous "self-fulfilling prophecy."
always have two options (as would a great contemporary philosopher who is now dedicated to the sound). We can always choose to go forward or stay where we are. Naturally we can always trust that things will turn out as we want. Or not. It is a matter of choice. It is a matter of attitude.
always have two options, but Look at the story that I leave as a cautionary tale:

A girl is thinking
- This afternoon I have two options, go to the ball or go to the ball ... If I'm not going to dance, nothing happens ... if I go to dance, there are two possibilities, who knows a guy or do not know.
If you do not know, nothing happens ... If you know, there are two possibilities, we fall in love or not we fall in love ...
If we fall in love, nothing happens ... If we fall, there are two possibilities ... we are married or no nos casemos...
Si no nos casamos, no pasa nada... Si nos casamos, hay dos posiblididades, que tengamos hijos o que no los tengamos...
Si no los tenemos, no pasa nada... Si los tenemos, hay dos posibilidades, que sea niña o que sea niño...
Si es niña no pasa nada... Si es niño, hay dos posibilidades, que vaya a la guerra o que no vaya a la guerra...
Si no va a la guerra, no pasa nada... Si va a la guerra, hay dos posibilidades, que lo maten o que no lo maten...
Si no lo matan, no pasa nada... Si lo matan, hay dos posibilidades, que vaya al Cielo o que vaya al Infierno...
Si va al Cielo, no pasa nada... Si va al Infierno, hay dos posibilidades, que pase mucho frío o que pase mucho calor...
If you spend too cold, nothing happens ... If you spend a lot of heat ... COCA-COLA BEST COOL!

not miss the opportunity to learn when things go wrong. And do not miss the opportunity to learn from what they do well.
Hasta la vista, amigos!