Sunday, September 27, 2009

Rip Hamilton's Face Mask Cost

Elizabethan Reunion Luncheon October 17, 2009

Dear Friends, to create an updated agenda for us and be in constant communication to let their data get together ... The next meeting is on October 17 at Restaurant Ave Maria Pastor of Cuba 1200 - Jesus Maria to 12.oo, covered the cost is S /. 20.00. (Lunch Buffet)
must confirm attendance in order to make the reservation.
Any questions call me at 3247039 , or write me at

With love as always
Carmen Tejada R.

Gerri Willis Mole Removal

Welcome Dina Castro Raymundo - Promotion 1965. 5 ° "C"

Dear Dina, how good you've joined this blog, is our virtual space, this harbor with all my love to our most cherished friends that life has given us, our friends in school. Remember, you live!, Do not forget, still sending all the photos you have and probably more than one will be happy to see them. Here goes your message.

Elizabethan Amigas:
I Dina Castro Raymundo, also Promotion 65 - 5th. C.

I'm super excited to have news of you who shared with me a special place in a major train car of my life.

God after 44 years ... .... Like a dream !!!!!............ went very fast time !!!!... Are you ????.... but no matter we are in contact and no one to .... Sure it was worth waiting all this time ... .. is it ????....

Since I graduated college I have not heard anything from anyone .... So you can imagine how I feel at this time ... .. Happy to reconnect with you!

I say that ending the 65 years I traveled from Lima to Trujillo to run for the National University of Trujillo, to be a doctor, but life circumstances decided something different for my .... so I studied at the School of Physical Sciences and Mathematics from UNT in the School of Statistics (this was not my calling to devote myself to see the numbers but eventually it ... and despite everything I've done wrong in part because it had mind and heart model of the great math teacher who was the teacher Iraida Núñez. His teachings and his parting words in my head and still keep my diary written in sinificativamente influence: "... whatever the position you occupy in life, remember that faith and perseverance to achieve what most long for ... ... "... Thanks !!!...... teacher

A big hello and my special love to all Elizabethan and teachers who have taken different courses. How can we forget in due course if they were our point of balance ... .... My teacher Dr. Estela unmistakable Maru Castle with aplomb and safety who led me in two courses relevant to my vocation: In the third year in fourth grade Anatomy and Biology. With her parting words reflected in my journal "... .. the future is always yours will achieve what you set out for your safety and spiritual formation ... .... "It was he who helped that every time something went right ... .. I lifted his head, breathed deeply and kept going ... ... Teacher, you I knew my calling your big security transmitting and radiating spirituality .... I always carry in my mind and my heart ... .... greetings to all my teachers because each carry a special memory!! ... And be very happy if you give me news of them.

In the same university where I studied my career (at UNT) started working as a teacher from year 72 and then also I work as a teacher at the University Private Antenor Orrego de Trujillo (UPAO) and it is through e UPAO that reached me hear from you.

One of the people who shared with me the university classroom was the head of the National Office of Electoral Processes (ONPE), Dr. Magdalena Chu Villanueva, and National Dean of the School of Statistics of Peru, Dr . Baldramina Jeanette Gonzalez Castro.

Please reply my message to be sure we are in contact and continue the communication. By the time I say that I am very happy to contact you and thank God for it.

always with you God Bless!!

Les embraces strong
