Thursday, August 17, 2006

Germanium Bracelet Nt$

birthday will be coming soon ...
NOO! Not again! another year more ... horror ... increasingly close to 25 ...
atrophic, atrophic ... I am convinced that meet them will mean a crisis worse than the supposedly q occurs at 30 ... I flatly refuse to hand over that age ...

Anyway ... for now I'll have to blow out candles and ask for wishes ...

I have a memory of an elephant,
a liver and intestines of some parts,
beautiful hair without frizz,
dawn without puffy eyes once in life ... or at least that I pass before leaving home ...
wish the mall traffic lights last a couple of minutes more green to complete cross only once without running as sick ...
That the Way of the Cross of the tests and examinations end is not as tortuous ...
free internet ...
etc, etc ...

These are some of my wishes to confess to the day of my birth

well, ... if ... mad hugs too ...


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