Sunday, June 24, 2007

How Bones Absorb Calcium

A little history ... Football World

It does not take an expert to realize that not long ago that delved into this in the blogs. So is that what you see right now is just text. But, as would a well-known football reporter, what's next, what's next, what's in this blog are photos and stories. Today's delivery and contains links, so when I have some photos, upload.
The other day I was listening to a theme of Roberto Napolitano (Argentine musician popularly known as Pappo) called "Rock and Roll and fever", and made me remember those beautiful days where music was an important part of my life. It all started back in the '97, when a group of classmates we began to "flash" (if you do not know this term, does not understand that watching a "blog "...) with how good it would live for music and have a world full of peace and joy. Since the latter was very difficult, we decided to put together a rock band-aid. The first thing was the position occupied singer of the band and face that gets all mine (generally speaking, there may be cases where the mine is carried is the guiterrista or "drummer"). To me, that I always liked the wind instruments, I dropped the sign "saxophone".
But that was not my only foray into the music. Later, as part of a "jam session" (if anyone knows Romanian then you can see the definition here also) a scout saw me singing and invited me to be part of your band. Coincidentally, this person had my same last name and lived in my own home ...
So it was with my brother played together for a while in a band called Creatures. Among our achievements, we might mention that we played in "Marquee" after the sarcophagus, which is the guitarist of "Mice Parade." Another "achievement" is to have out in the paper. Yes, indeed. I did an interview for the newspaper that gave you exit the subway (for those who do not believe me, I have a copy of the newspaper in my house).
time later, I left the band and music. Today, the boys keep playing, but a different style to which we at that time. Can hear songs from them on their web page .
Well, I started to move some levers to start showing pictures and video. Get ready! Exciting

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Is A Chest Infection Infectious?

. This could be the summary of its meaning. I do not think there is anything else that generates many different opinions about the same event. So I say that football is passion, is waking is endless wait, it's anxiety, it is anger, love incodicional. Still, there are people who are not allowed to live this kind of emotions with the simple argument that "I do not like football." But partly because I understand I took a big disappointment with this particular sport. It was the day I realized that football was not as pure as I thought. Players, DT's, coaches, managers, hooligans (in short, all) are part of the business as it is has transformed the sport. And this business does, for example, players put aside something unique to humans have: pride, that flame inside that makes us leave when we think we are losers. How can anyone not be? As you can ignore it?
million cases could cite as an example to show that or I say is true, but I will only mention two. The first has to do with who won the club championship football largest in the world and its surroundings, the glorious Academy Racing Club de Avellaneda, in December 2001 (yes, just as Argentina was in full blast ...). In principle, I will say that the team was made up of great figures. And might even say he was not even formed by large players. It was more like a guerrilla team without a lot of "jogo bonito", apparently futoblísitica idea is like that moment DT, Reinaldo Carlos Merlo. To cite a few players from that team to make the point more graphically: the chef Chatruc, Colombian Viveros (in general, came to do time and warms the game), Claudio "Siphon" Úbeda, the "Chanchi" Estevez ... and the list is longer.
back a little focus, Racing had games we could label as "suspects." For example, against Independiente. The match ended 1-1, thanks to a goal after a gruesome Loeschbor left the goalkeeper then red, Rocha. A little help from the neighbor across the street? Another game could be 3-2 to Estudiantes de La Plata, Racing party back to the locker room after going 0-2. And I can not name the last game against Velez Sarsfield. Clearly, the party should go 1-1, but not understood as Vitali's goal gives him a Chirumbolo. I'm not going to comment that the goal of Racing (did Loeschbor) was offside, but also because it would involve the árbritos within the same bag. And they themselves are honest ............
Well, I'll go to the second example. I recently told him the grandson of a former leader of River. The match in question was River-Estudiantes. River basically playing for nothing but students themselves, is at risk of falling. First time, the party was a monologue of Students, but the big goalkeeper Carrizo pulled everything. In the meantime, someone says, "Amadeo, the eye that we have to lose today." Finally, River lost that game and avoided relegation students (after they get a little more data on this example).
Despite all this, football continues to generate strong emotions and uncontrollable, as the fans of Racing filling two courts at the same time champion the day it came after 35 years. Amazing that something can mobilize so many people.
Until next post ...

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Adult Plastic Snowboards

I like things well done ...

... but first I want them done. Many have laughed at this phrase vaias times I have said. In fact, I've been the victim of teasing, insults and beatings for trying to defend it. Still, is one of my sentences header. I have a lot of reasons why I say this. One of them is used to (almost) any context. No matter the subject you are talking, there's always room to cite. Yes, I know ... chanta like a phrase from someone who does not want laburar. However, it is quite the opposite. I, for one example, I'm quite a fan of things quasi-perfect (very poas times I've done something nice). But I'm also a lover of things in stages, the "learning." I put the following example: buying a house. One always wants to have a big house, bright, with all the bells and whistles. But the take one (those who are not so lucky, that is) to buy it? And yes, too long. That's where I draw the deck of cards and say "I made the first." First I have a small home, so little by little they grow and become what I want. If you stop to think, as if you want to start your own business. Or even when faced with a new project at work. "Divide and conquer" was the chapter of a book I saw in college (much later I learned that the phrase was of Julius Caesar, terrible turro). I also like to call "baby steps".
Thanks to the guys who went through the blog and left your comment. I hope they become fans and follow it. I commented something that neither I knew: they saw down the page there are notices advertising? Well, if you make a click there, won silver for some reason. So take heart and gold llénenme:-P
The next talk about football. Do not go. Arrivederci