Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Adult Plastic Snowboards

I like things well done ...

... but first I want them done. Many have laughed at this phrase vaias times I have said. In fact, I've been the victim of teasing, insults and beatings for trying to defend it. Still, is one of my sentences header. I have a lot of reasons why I say this. One of them is used to (almost) any context. No matter the subject you are talking, there's always room to cite. Yes, I know ... chanta like a phrase from someone who does not want laburar. However, it is quite the opposite. I, for one example, I'm quite a fan of things quasi-perfect (very poas times I've done something nice). But I'm also a lover of things in stages, the "learning." I put the following example: buying a house. One always wants to have a big house, bright, with all the bells and whistles. But the take one (those who are not so lucky, that is) to buy it? And yes, too long. That's where I draw the deck of cards and say "I made the first." First I have a small home, so little by little they grow and become what I want. If you stop to think, as if you want to start your own business. Or even when faced with a new project at work. "Divide and conquer" was the chapter of a book I saw in college (much later I learned that the phrase was of Julius Caesar, terrible turro). I also like to call "baby steps".
Thanks to the guys who went through the blog and left your comment. I hope they become fans and follow it. I commented something that neither I knew: they saw down the page there are notices advertising? Well, if you make a click there, won silver for some reason. So take heart and gold llénenme:-P
The next talk about football. Do not go. Arrivederci


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