Friday, October 5, 2007

Masterbate Electric Toothbrush

During several years of my life, I've been writing some things that I have forgotten this time around. Clearly, it was not very good at it (to me, particularly and generally, I liked what I wrote). Until one day ... Poof! The inspiration disappeared. I spent much time reflecting, trying to find a reason for this sudden "freezing." I have several theories or conclusions that I arrived, but the strongest is my mood. In general, my mood is happy, without much concern for things cotideanas or problems you may encounter on a daily basis. However, in my time of greatest literary production, had other feelings surrounding. Could say it was a kind of melancholy, sadness of the soul, but he was always balanced with my constant happiness. That was apparently the only way I had to write. The words came alone. There were thousands of thoughts that came to my mind, one after another ... like minds seek an outlet to speak.
I've lost a little in the habit of sitting alone with me, but little by little I'm getting. Part of the idea of \u200b\u200bthis blosssssss is that ... Starting to get the artist that you have inside (mmm, that is similar to what I said propaganda, no?). In fact, it is also a ground wire. One way to stop the gush of thoughts I have at this time.
I know many people who likes to write. I do not know if everyone will do the same. There are many examples of people who became famous writing but whose lives were quite stormy. For me, it is clear that there is a relationship between the experiences of each and the "vocation" for writing.
I look forward to showing you some of what I write at some point. But it also gives me little bit, so I think it will have to bank. Heard? Ban-quen-se-la! Mr and Miss
. see you in the next post. Hasta la vista!


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