Monday, February 25, 2008

Belkin Wireless Mimo Driver


Not long ago has left the autobiography of Gene LeBell, many years ago I heard about the first time to my good friend Matthew, a defender of the virtues of pre-revolutionary Grappling UFC after This same friend lent me a book and I LeBell also get some video of it, since then I've always been interested in this particular type and grappling system, you can browse the book surprisingly interesting account of his life in Google books: id = 0G91BjCUOLEC & printsec = frontcover & dq = gene + LeBell & sig = 0NP-CQMjHbRv6Sj8Bk3B2oAjkSs # PPP1, M1

Judo Champion, Grappler professional, renowned film expert, respected and admired by martial artists the likes of Benny Urquidez, Bruce Lee, Bob Wall, Chuck Norris ... and even he can be regarded as a pioneer of MMA as shown in the video posted a little further down on his fight in 1963 against the boxer Milo Savage.
also hang a video tribute to LeBell that has its charms, especially the guitarist coming out was also a victim of the specialty of the house LeBell, the bottleneck to wet his pants ...

Greetings and see you next

Monday, February 18, 2008

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WEEKEND RESULTS, K-1 MAX The Netherlands, Muay Thai

Surprise at the K-1 Max the Netherlands, none of the favorites won, in the quarterfinals Stevelmans Warren outpointed the Alviar seeded Lima, Chris Mgimbi did the same with William Diender, Marco Pique and Joery Month, two of the favorites, they made extra tables and in round one knee, he Pique accurate account Joeri worth a week and a victory for Marco in the last playoff won by KO Imro Main Ettouhlali Najim. Semifinals

; Warren Stevelmans survival greatly Mgimbi TKO to Chris, Marco Pique Main Imro defeated by decision. Final

: Warren Stevelmans wins by Marco Pique points and win the coveted ticket to the K-1 Japan.

Rafi spectacular victory against Thailand Sammuk Sasiprapa, with a excellent job against a great fighter signed Rafi And to round off the elbow KO dramatic turnaround in the fourth assault. At the other crossing
Spain vs Thailand, Jonathan Fabian lost by points against the experienced Lampard Sor Kamsing, solidifying a good performance.
In the rest of the evening Felix Cortes defeated Juan Chacon on the basis of low kicks to an opponent who as usual was also a great fighter, Cortes new title for this time of WMC Muay Thai.
In another championship in Spain Ibrihma Njie outpointed Miguel Melendez.
Other results: Carlos Moreno vs. Josep M ª Prats (Vence Moreno, pts) vs Lozano Lele Mohamed Sitou (Sitou wins by default), Luis Rodriguez vs Roman Stakhuv (Roman pts), Nestor Rodriguez vs
Manuel Ocaña (Nestor wins by KO).

Other weekend results:

Holland, Schiedam . Gokhan Saki wins by TKO in the third assault on the British Chris Knowles and proclaimed World Champion + 95 kg of Thai Boxing, WFCA version.

England. In the background fighting Lady Killers II event reserved for the girls, Michelle Preston New Zealand due to the Scottish Hilary Mack and proclaimed world champion less than 53.1 kg IKF.

The undercard fight the British Jackie Short is imposed on the American Beardern Emily, and tied -53.1 kg the IKF Intercontinental belt.

France, Clichy . Cédric Anand becomes the new world champion kick boxing WAKO -78 Kg, defeating in the evening "Choc des gladiateurs" the Greek Hamamidis Leyftheris abandonment in the eleventh assault.

At the same gala in less than 90 kg Frédérick Belloni abandonment ends at 5 º to Croatian Drazen Ordjul dangerous.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Use Toy Electric Motor Generate Electricity


the late 70's Full Contact is spreading throughout Europe, being the French Dominique Valera English parents one of their major broadcasters in France, the new sport even is prohibited during a season and strongly criticized by the French Federation of Karate, perhaps at the loss of "market" the almighty Karate in France of the 80 are targeted to the fashion of the contact and the French Karate Federation creates new rules competition; contact Karate, the experiment lasts for 6 years and from 80 to 85 are held so many championships in France with fighters celebrated as victories for Tapol Jacques, Patrice Ruggiero, former editor of the magazine or karate bushido Patrcik Lombardo Bruno Ciarrochi who came to world champion amateur full contact, then the thing was cool and eager to compete Karatekas the contact has to migrate to other disciplines.
In 2003 the Federation decides to retrieve the contact Karate and appoints technical director Dominique Valera in recent years having strong growth in France, the penalty is that the French invented it an excellent and attractive alternative to many tired of the subjective Karate competition Karate to the point does not expand to other countries and one day we can see European and world championships in the discipline.

Best regards and until next time.

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

How To Open Smart Car Bonnet

: Chapter Taxi

"Come on, brother! Hurry! As noted you do not take passengers, eh?". This phrase, classical yirando who walk down the street can not only mean the driver of the car going to those who are often referred to as "the cancer of the streets." You guessed it: pedestrians. Ah ... are no pedestrians? Taxi drivers? Are you sure? Bua ... Ermmmm ... sorry, I meant ... You guessed it: taxi drivers.
There are some things that nobody will be able to deny me for taxi drivers. The guys always manage to come out in the media, either because they are at the gates of the radios to seek stickers, or they make the news when they are part of a crash, or because they protest because they need gas, or because they demand increase, or it enacted the law requiring seat belt use, o. .. They always have excuses.
taxi and saw the "star" out in the movies? Are phenomenal. Where people are always needed. No more is needed to run out of a building and lift cord reach hand. Another thing feature movie is taxis are like phones: do not give change. The taxi stops, the passenger pays and low. It's that simple. And before you go to make a confession: I always wanted to get into a taxi and say "Follow that car", as they do in the movies. Someday I will encourage ...
certainly are the most hated by everyone. It seems like nobody in accordance with them. Neither drivers nor pedestrians, or the bus drivers. Not even his own passengers. And with the latter is given a particular situation. If the passenger is quiet, reserved, or just have to do something during the trip, that predisposes the driver Taxi to put on a "charlatan." And so it begins to invade the verbiage as the rain that feeds a mountain stream. And then start with something along the lines of "How hot it is, eh?" "That crazy this time!", "Yesterday I took \u0026lt;enter famosa> person's name and do not know what happened ..." and the always well-judged "So I'll dirige> \u0026lt;enter place? Uh ... when I was a kid ...".
Taxi drivers generally tend to wear symbols on their tool. To me there was something that struck me forever. The vast majority of them wears a red ribbon tied on the rear bumper. Always I wondered what it would do. It will be for envy? I do not think, because he had every sweet it was, I do not think the owner has said "Let's envy. The best wagon I'll always remain myself." Other things that often lead drivers are religious images. All kinds of stamps and most varied. Sometimes I think that the rosary that hung from the rearview mirror I pray whenever they feel threatened by a driver comunacho when the driver makes a maneuver (hence I believe that is the phrase "a string of obscenities", right?).
Já! How I will ask what a taxi driver maneuver? Did not handle? Ah! have driver ... Ok, now I understand. Let me give some examples to realize,

1 .- If you need to turn right, then get in the lane to find more to your left. Thereafter, at full speed, make the right turn. Do not forget to whoring while others honk it while making gestures with his hands. If you do not want to be so thoughtless, please put the twinkle light before making the maneuver.
2 .- Whenever you find a red light and has cars blocking your arrival at the stop line, make the necessary maneuvers to get ahead of these cars. In general, you can hand lane that is furthest to the right (Remember to get prior to the curb.) Fundamental to halt on pedestrian line, otherwise the operation can not be as good. 3 .-
Forget what the driving school called "lanes." It is a myth. None. The intermittent LINES you see in the asphalt are just to help you focus your car and keep others from passing car while trying to pass other cars.
4 .- Whenever you double-park, do so in the most awkward to find. But beware! That the place is uncomfortable for others, not for you! If it was not necessary to park in this way, do the same. You are not required to park as "People."

Still, this rabble is full privileges. You know that car washes are cheaper to taxi to the common file? Still, there Tacheros that do not use the benefit ...
Another of the "benefits" to those who count are the decals. Les rain, everywhere. And on top, free! This is the height ... But it is not the only gift they receive. These "gentlemen" as well as the cards are discount hotels accommodations, to put flags in their windows, free coffee when they go to the service station ... and who knows how many other hidden gifts! (That which does not count the times that we passengers, we leave our forgot ... I mean, gifts)
Some of these subjects have inclinations mafia. And it proves to by some answers. For example, when you start by telling you the way before your destination, usually cut in half (which Ruggeri to Chilavert ) with the question "Where are you, sir ?!?". You saw the face that put when asked where the seat belt? Mother ... scary.
Well, I leave because I'm late for a meeting. See you next time. Taxiiiiiiii