Sunday, March 23, 2008

Working At Bobs Furniture


The MMA will be from next year's legal in France, one of the wrestlers who have done most to get a good picture of the MMA and get it included as a combat sport more within the very stringent French sporting bodies has been Cyrille Diabate is why recovery realize an interview several years ago to this great fighter multidisciplinary.

(Entretien en Francais en bas)


Cyrille Diabaté is a real globetrotter of the ring, has fought all over the world and has made it to the supreme title in four disciplines in contact sports: world champion in MMA (Extreme force), Muay Thai, Shidokan Karate and Kung fu, is a smart fighter, stylist and spectacular, as we saw in the last K-1 in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bdefeated the likes of Rick Roufus, James Zikic (UFC), Bob Scrijber (2H2H Pride ), Dave Lee Hasdell or Vader.
As he himself says, and we totally agree, his best fights are yet to come ...

By: David Leonardo Bárcena

Hi Cyrille, a
introductory remarks
'm a professional athlete, martial artist and teacher. I try to give my students my vision and my passion for martial arts

How did you combat sports?
As many practitioners ...! a force to watch movies of Bruce Lee!

have the habit to get into the ring dancing, very relaxed ... That feeling you get when you get in the ring?
climb into the ring for me is the dedication of many hours in the training room and many sacrifices. I'm happy to meet in the ring and so I go out dancing. It is also a way to relax to meet the battle calmly, the public also generally like the fighters who make the show!

In how many countries have you fought?
think that in about fifteen countries, from Australia, Thailand, Japan and the United States

After your win over Rick Roufus, a true legend, we would have liked to see more often in Thai or Kick boxing yet your career is increasingly geared towards MMA ... is there any particular reason?
After my victory against Roufus spend a period where he had no proposals for fighting!, After a year of inactivity I was offered a fight against Dutch champion Freefight anyway for quite some time, I was attracted by free sparring

In what rules (MMA, Muay Thai, Kick ...) feel more comfortable in the ring?
I love the MMA which is less hard than Muay Thai, but I prefer to make a good fight in Muay Thai, against an opponent in the same style. That coping is very hard but the final satisfaction is larger.
The Vale tudo is a spectacular and violent way but in the end is less physically suffered Thai Boxing

Japan is now the benchmark for all fighters in the world, tell us about your experiences there ... Insurance
Japan is the reference, largely because the Japanese can recognize and appreciate the people out of the ordinary. For them, a professional wrestler is not like everyone else, because they imagine how hard it must be to reach that level of competition.
there is why the great champions of Pride or K-1 are considered as semi-gods!
When I fight in Japan was like a dream come true and also to win my two fights by KO Shootboxing
(Contra Iga and against Lee Hasdell) then good memories!

Can you be in the TOP at the same time in MMA and contact sports (Muay Thai, Kick)?
It is possible but very hard. In fact when training in foot-cuffs automatisms and reflexes are not as similar to the MMA. Then train to fight in one of these styles can harm the other. Therefore it is necessary to structure the training so that training of boxing / kick is compatible with MMA training. Besides the effort needed to Boxing is unlike anything on the ground fighting, so when a fighter starts at the bottom fell out very fast grappling and fighting starts in May Thai is even more difficult to box

" The best memory of your career?
My first win in the International Open Karate Shidokan in Chicago in 1997. It was one of the Tournament lighter (85kg) and earn my three fights by KO ...! including the final against an American opponent of 105 kg!

Your toughest opponents?
Myself. The doubts and uncertainties of a fighter.

Entretien Cyrille Diabaté

A petit mot de présentation ...
Je suis sportif professionnel pratiquant d Arts et aussi enseignant martiaux. J Essai de donner a la même months élèves et la même vision des arts martiaux passion.

Comment is-tu venu dans le sport de combat? Comme beaucoup
of pratiquants .... A force of regarder les Bruce Lee movies!

Usually you are very relaxed in the way to the ring, very relaxed, dancing etc.., What sensations do you feel when you rode on a ring?
For me step into the ring is the culmination of many hours of work the room and many sacrifices. I'm glad to be back in the ring and that's why I come dancing. It's also a way to relax and begin the battle calmly. In addition to the general public loves the boxers who make the show!

In how many countries you boxing?
I think I punched in a dozen countries, through the Australia , Thailand, Japan and the United States.

After your victory against Rick Roufus, a legend, we love to see you more often in the boxes you fists and feet has been increasingly oriented toward the MMA ... there are particular reason?
After my win cons Roufus I spent a period or not I had no proposals for action! After a year of inactivity is my proposed a fight against a champion in Dutch Freefight ... so I started a career in Freefight. Since long I was attracted by the free fight anyway.

What Regulation (MMA, Boxing Thai Kick ...) You are more at ease in the ring?
I love Vale Tudo which is softer than Thai boxing but I prefer to make a good fight in Muay Thai, facing an opponent in the same style. The confrontation is the hard but satisfying at the end is greater. Vale Tudo style is dramatic and violent, but ultimately it is less physically demanding than Thai boxing.

Japan is now the benchmark for all fighters in the world, speaks to us about your experiences there?
course Japan is the reference, largely because the Japanese can recognize and appreciate the people who leave the ordinary. For them a professional fighter is not like everyone else, because they imagine that much how it should be hard to arrive at this level of competition. That is why the bottom of the great champions of Pride or K-1 are regarded as demi-gods!
When I fought in Japan C was a dream come true and plus I won both my fights by ko Shootboxing! So many fond memories!

can be on top at the same time in MMA and boxes fists feet?
is possible but very hard. In fact when s results in feet and fists the automatic reflexes are not at all like that in MMA. So s cause to fight in one of these two styles can harm other al. That's why we must structure its workouts for the boxing workout is compatible with the MMA. In addition to the effort to be provided; boxer is not at all like to fight on the ground, besides, that's why a boxer who starts grappling s out of breath very quickly and the wrestler who started Muay Thai has even more wrong with boxing!

Your greatest memory in your career? My first victory
al Shidokan Karate International Open in Chicago in 1997. J were one of the lightest of the tournament (85kg) and I won month 3 combats par ko .... même final against one of 105kg combattant Américain! Tes
les plus durs?
Moi même. Les incertitude du doute et les combattant.


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