Saturday, August 23, 2008

Fix North Face Fleece


The Cuban Taekwondoka Valodia Angel Matos lost his temper to be disqualified, in my opinion unjustly or rashly, by the Swedish referee, the thing is that just at the time of finalizing the regulatory minutes you have to deal with a competitor injured and when the Cuban was preparing to return to combat, and the referee will disqualify you, the Cuban who risked his medal and also was winning because he will cross the wires and rhea kicked the referee ...
A shame and consequently life ban for Taekwondoka or Cuban taekwondo (this now as he chips to the K-1 ... lol) and their coach who made accusations of purchase of the referee and declared that he was offered the same money the Kazakh ...
What ultimately is going to be a very bad image for Taekwondo, we see dramatic techniques but not the face of the referee but in competition, which moreover Taekwondo tournament level being the most boring show, conservative and lacking in variety of techniques.

High Kick ArbitreJO
Uploaded by Camus93330

An image that should be repeated ever.


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