Monday, August 10, 2009

Best Degreaser For Kitchen Cabinets

always PROMOTION 1965 - WELCOME TO OUR BLOG PHOTOS Hortensia Alvarado

Here we are in our Party Promotion, December 1965, can not remember exactly the date, the courtyard of our school was dressed up and many of us, for the first time we went to couples a party. How elegant!, What nice! What jóooovenes!

From left to right: Our beloved and unforgettable Julia Alvarez Chavez, may God rest his soul, a servant, Carmen Ruiz Tejada, the always cheerful and friendly Violeta Mendizabal, the always beautiful and Rosalia Véliz nostalgia and close friend Hortencia Alvarado Rosas.

I met friends! I really appreciate your comments, that encourages me to keep filling this space, I hope that every day we are more authentic Elizabethan provided through this blog we can communicate and remember the years wonderful for our existence and not only that, but interact in a more effective, taking advantage of this fabulous media.


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