Tuesday, December 18, 2007

How To Waterproof Domke

blessed holiday

How beautiful is the holiday season! You get anxious, start doing things that otherwise would not. There joy, but also nostalgia. There are quiet, yet vertigo, because one always has to do, planning or research things of the places where it is going (Note for the illiterate to read this blosssss: going going to "and" yoghurt, because Jamie comes from the word go that also goes with i but America, like Che Guevara).
I, for instance, I am right now and am planning my vacation "a thousand" with the organization. What to look for places to hike, to finalize the details of the trip, which assemble the bags, all ready to leave the laburo for no problems. Still, this holiday was that I had never done (ie, even when he was not preparing a trip): I grabbed the compulsivity . Yes, I'm buying things to die. Not me at all.
Without going any further, I was all on Saturday and out of clothing stores, trying on shirts, pants, shoes, everything that comes to mind. For those who do not know me, that I did it will be something common, something that would make anyone at any time in his life, something necessary for life. Well, not me. I always managed to avoid going to buy anything, either because there were clothes for the dates on which gift (birthday, Christmas, Epiphany, Day of the Child etc) or because they received used clothing (also known as "large family syndrome").
is amazing how many people are shopping. I never would have imagined. The distribution would be something like 90% women, 9% men face fret because women will destroy the card, 1% who do not have more people who will provide them with clothing or the mother told them they were great go shopping for clothes alone. At some point I will make a chapter of The Characters Compranet always with these beings.
Returning to the subject that brought us here, the holidays are the best thing that can happen. And you can tell when someone is to go for, say, apathetic people become friendly, for those who are a little nervous types are left bare or simply because some do get the color to the face.
I often wonder what these holidays. Eh! Do not get ahead, man ... that impatient! I'm not a dolobu, finish reading before judging ...
I said, you always think that holidays are to rest, to relax, to start the year "with everything." Relidad But is it? Let's see ...
Take the example of a guy like me (for those who do not know me I'm fachero, successful and very humble). Before leaving, one is filled with stress and travel arrangements, to which we must add that wine collecting throughout the year (if you take a vacation every year ...). While on vacation in paradise chosen, one has to queue for itr to eat at a restaurant (read as "restaurant"), in line to go on field trips, crowded places (which, if we're lucky, it smells well). If you go to the beach, are the kids who play football and we're stuck with the ball or lanyards to walk by so close to one that end up being "Milan." If we are in a quiet place, such as the mountain, do not miss the guy who goes with the car and puts his arch-super-mega-extra-large stereo to all of volume to break our peace. Not to mention if we go with children ...
If we could get some rest on vacation, the rest only serves to support the return trip. Flight delays, gridlock on the roads, car failures, fights for the kids in the back seat because they will not return ...
But missing the cherry on the champagne: the return to work. It is very likely that the pile of work that we have not made anymore and are replaced by one containing the double! of laburo. So one must not only take in half the time laburo twice, but it also has to take a few minutes to discuss the "good" trip to see pictures and, above all things, for one entregeue what has brought as souvenirs.
not forget that this procedure is repeated for family and friends who will be eager to come to our house to pick something, to see the photos you've taken out and listen to the story at that point, we have already counted more than 1000 ( one thousand) times.
you remember how I started the post? Well, now I think the holidays are nothing more than an accumulation of stress when in fact believe the opposite. What is the power of the mind ... I think I'll cancel my trip. Forgive me, right back.
Bon voyage!

Friday, November 30, 2007

Blueprint To Build Computer Desk

usual characters: Chapter Passengers

Who has not ever traveled by bus? Well, there are several (this blog is for people like me, saw ?)... but who has not ever seen People piled on top of "the monsters of asphalt? So begins this series of descriptions of the characters we see every day, of which we laugh, to which we spend, to which bother because they are different.
Our first character is the always controversial children. Brave as few, Pibito crosses the city from home to school or vice versa. Maybe sometimes this innocent boy becomes the worst of our nightmares. Your backpack is the main cause of the steaks that one is deprived of him. It feels like a game of "Playstation 3" (faaaaa. .. I made a fool ...) for him. The more people knock it, the more points you get. In turn, there is also "Athletic child." Purrete that he thinks the rings hanging from the group are to practice for the olipíadas. Or that the rails are used for balance. Or that one's feet are rubber. Or that the muscular and virile man who has the best pillows. Well no, not (that is, not the best of the pillows, but muscular and masculine). Leaving aside
children, others take us out of our boxes are located at the other end of the timeline. Yes, you guessed. LADIES older. Whether your portfolio hits us directly in the cornea or in the neck, or because their constant complaints not only make our trip a nightmare, but we also prohibit enjoy one of the few pleasures it has to ride the "cole": sleep. On the other hand, I often wondered if the travel was younger? Otherwise do not explain as to slip below one at a speed ultrasonic "steal" the seat.
Other "puppets" of the group are the dreamers. Those boys who, against all odds, the seat very uncomfortable using the vehicle in question as if it was the best mattress in the best suite of the best hotel in the world. Nothing wakes up (except the ladies moaner mentioned above). Not even the constant braking suddenly our driver friend (in the jargon, also called "bondilero"). Or the thunderous noise made by the engines. Neither the door slam against its stop or make the wheels squeal when braking.
Those that can not be left out of this "tribute" are "frogs." The modus operandi of such people is to jump from seat to seat, thus trying to improve its position in the group. I could not tell which is the goal of these people or if you are given awards for travel in certain parts of the "bus." If anyone knows, please leave it in the comment and desasnennos.
Finally, we find people who bet on the culture. That is, people who go on the bus reading or listening to music. These are the elite itself of the collective (and I do not mean to toilet paper, please do not put me paranoid, eh?!). There are some people trying to get plate with the books they are reading. Sometimes I could swear that people are not progressing in their reading, and is always on the same page.
Among those who read the newspaper we have two types: the meticulous, who reads the entire note, which does not pass through the sports section, considering "animal" and the other we have the "animals" that do not respect the page number, creasing all day. The latter only read the sports or daily Olé and jokes section, and flicking through the newspaper to see if there is a picture of some starlet with little clothing. There is something shared by these two classes of characters: if the 1114 is full, the types are indifferent. Also daily strip, it matters little and nothing the other characters around him.
There are also two genres within the music listeners. There are those who look like they are not hearing anything, since neither flinch and listen to music too softly to one, who sits beside him on purpose to hear something, hear something. And of course there are the rockers . These master musicians will offer a recital in the middle of bondi. I sing the most powerful and even make you mimic the guitar. If can present a deteriorated appearance and a foul smell, the types you have fun. They are frustrated rock stars looking for their arrival at the place better bundle up your child.
To end this post, I give you an anecdote that happened to a cousin of the brother of a friend. " Location: Mar del Plata. The boy was only 15 years and was the first time I went on vacation only with a school friend. It turns out that for some reason I do not remember, the guy was returning alone from the center of this seaside resort to a lighthouse, on the bus 512 (I think it was that the number). The rate had been extremely sleepy and the bus, at a speed that could not be determined yet, turn on a curve very close. This causes the subject's head in question almost full impacts against the window. Of course, after such a shame, the guy does not even opened his eyes and simply listen to the laughter of his fellow travelers insensitive. But that was not all that happened in that dark journey. Near the terminal, and in dreams, the beardless hear the hoarse voice of the driver saying, "Last Stop" button until you notice a slight sign of life in the only passenger on the bus. Half awake, I turn to the front door of the vehicle and calculate how many steps are there to download and save time to go to sleep faster. Unfortunately, the calculation was not good and, with the collective motion, the kid falls to the asphalt. Luckily nothing happened. All she had to endure the screams of the driver was saying things like "Are you mad, kid?", "Come over here ..."," You need a doctor? ".
Stay in this channel to see the next chapter of "The characters always"

Friday, October 5, 2007

Silver City Imax Ottawa

brand of music

all have favorite topics. Songs written by someone else, but we feel them as their own. But all those items have something in common. The associate special moments of our lives and that is why we keep them as treasures. In my case, I have millions of songs that bring back fond memories, although I will only expose some of them.

There Something On Your Mind - Alejandro Lerner: This issue was among the first CD I bought (well, I bought my old ... I was just a purrete I was in grade 5). Of course, every time I sang the track, did some of my thinking about puppy love ...
La Pachanga - Vilma Palma e Vampiros: Theme partying if there were. This issue was a classic when I was in Grade 7 and always dancing in the club GEVP (gym y Esgrima de Villa del Parque). That's where I met my first girlfriend. Sui Generis
- 20 hits: 4 th year of high school. That year was where I woke up the creative side and leaned over to side of music. He even gave me for writing! (In another "post" I'll tell you a bit more ...). One of the best years of my life. And yes, it was a fucking hippie ... Eiti
Leda - Seru Giran: Pain. It is the only memory I bring this subject. A broken heart again. 1998. Also, one of the best songs I heard in my life. The subject says something like "Far, far from home, I have nobody to accompany me to see the morning ..."
Unchained Melody - Righteous Brothers: In addition to the song of one of the first movies I saw (even one of the first scenes "intimate"), I dedicated this song for Valentine's Day. "I am hunger for your touch ... "he says.
I saw when I spent - José Luis" El Puma "Rodríguez: TE-MA-ZO. Too bad they sang it to Sergio Goycochea, this time the glorious Academy Racing Club Avellaneda lost 6-0 against Boca ...
Decile That I Want - The Sultans: This theme reminds me of my time as a singer. Our group did a cover of this issue, which left me almost perfect. A superb performance. "strolled Santa Fe together, but I know he will deceive me. "Great!

Surely this is just a sample of the songs I like. Of course, I also had times where other kinds of music listening. To tell Indeed, I spent almost by all musical genres have or might have. To give you an idea, one day I was listening to a disc of golden cap that belonged to Deró DJ, and the other, singing "I Want to Be Sedated" by The Ramones. What are you going to do ...
Well, let his favorite themes in the comments. And please, do not make the "hard" or "Metalheads" ... arpovechen that Internet is a quasi-anonymous communication

Masterbate Electric Toothbrush

During several years of my life, I've been writing some things that I have forgotten this time around. Clearly, it was not very good at it (to me, particularly and generally, I liked what I wrote). Until one day ... Poof! The inspiration disappeared. I spent much time reflecting, trying to find a reason for this sudden "freezing." I have several theories or conclusions that I arrived, but the strongest is my mood. In general, my mood is happy, without much concern for things cotideanas or problems you may encounter on a daily basis. However, in my time of greatest literary production, had other feelings surrounding. Could say it was a kind of melancholy, sadness of the soul, but he was always balanced with my constant happiness. That was apparently the only way I had to write. The words came alone. There were thousands of thoughts that came to my mind, one after another ... like minds seek an outlet to speak.
I've lost a little in the habit of sitting alone with me, but little by little I'm getting. Part of the idea of \u200b\u200bthis blosssssss is that ... Starting to get the artist that you have inside (mmm, that is similar to what I said propaganda, no?). In fact, it is also a ground wire. One way to stop the gush of thoughts I have at this time.
I know many people who likes to write. I do not know if everyone will do the same. There are many examples of people who became famous writing but whose lives were quite stormy. For me, it is clear that there is a relationship between the experiences of each and the "vocation" for writing.
I look forward to showing you some of what I write at some point. But it also gives me little bit, so I think it will have to bank. Heard? Ban-quen-se-la! Mr and Miss
. see you in the next post. Hasta la vista!

Friday, August 24, 2007


The Art of Writing Women and Sport

Many of you may ask (and some have done) why I stopped writing in this space. Well, the reality is that we never stopped doing it. Simply, this time there was a small discrepancy with my "editor" and that made the publication is delayed. Nothing more than that. Above all things, I want to clarify that there was no class censorship to me or to this content.
The issue that brings us here today are women, although this is not the only term used to refer to these creatures so special. This depends on the issue we are referring. If we were talking about their physical appearance could call mine, mignon, chocolate, dog, bug, cute, etc.. As for the relationship we have with them we could hear stuff like girlfriend, wife, life, little thing, cucuruchito, dulce de leche, crazy, hysterical and other things that are not reproducible.
There is something that has me intrigued and that is the hatred women have for sports. I wonder, if there a historian in this hearing, if there was any point in the past in which the sport has abused females. Perhaps that way could get to explain that hatred.
illustrative purposes only, I'll put some examples of conversations between men and women talking about sports. But do not think everything is so easy in life. The women, though often not enough, are people with some intelligence and their responses vary according primarily to the link they have with the victim and the time it takes the link

Example 1: Boy in the middle stage of "lift "

H: I would say go for a drink on Sunday, but I have a game football that I can not miss
M: Do not worry. I love men who play sports and go back home sweaty. Its another wave ...

Example 2: Boy a year of thinking I was going to be happy

M: You could miss the game tomorrow, because it is our anniversary, right?
H: 5 years ago I have been playing every Sunday. Besides I told you I'm going to spend the Sunday with you until I go to the party. And do you know the surprise I have for you tomorrow ...
M: Well, okay. Anda. A re-makes me glad I play, really. It happens that I am a little selfish, but I know that you will do well

Example 3: Boy at 2 years
H: What do you think we eat tonight? I have not really wanted to cook today. Ah! I notice that after I did not say anything, next week, and every Sunday for 10 years, I'll play football with the "kids."
M: Make what you want. I do not even mind being here to spend Sunday with me. Besides, do not even have the delicacy of a bath before coming home

Surely, many / as they felt identified / as written the dialogues above. Many times I'm amazed at the stories I hear lies or pre-no-te-voy-a-drop-more-in-the-life-and-you-do-the-life-impossible.
Yet despite all this, one can not help but be attracted to this genre as contradictory and vengeful. I am among those who think like the best of feminists. I really like the idea of \u200b\u200bbeing the keeper of the house, the boys while the "support" of the house (they understand the double meaning, no?) Is killed like a dog laburando 12am. day.
Clearly, there is plenty of material to cut on this issue, so do not be surprised if we return to play.
Before concluding, I want to publicly thank all the comments on the blog and emails (a little weird as that sounds, right? Would be something like e "imeils") I receive daily. People from Chubut, Misiones, Corrientes, Uruguay, El Salvador and other Latin American countries. I can not answer them all but know that I keep in the Deleted folder with lots of affection.
Remember: the more anger we hold, we need more laughter.
Adeus e os mais melhores Desejos all

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Espresso Stands For Sale Wa

By profession, journalist

What a surprise I got the other day to read the definition of the word journalist in Wikipedia . Actually, what caught my attention most was not the definition, but the next paragraph.
Apparently, there are too many journalists to uphold the truth. Today, the daily radio news and opinions are machines. And the worst is that they all boast the best information. There
any number of non-news that may appear in the newspaper, which is then discussed by all of us as if it were true. I often wonder where it came from the blind confidence we have in the information they give us.
An extreme example of journalism is what makes the newspaper / magazine Barcelona. Those guys are fantastic. They not only false, if you do not know what the intention of the magazine, totally credible but also has sections of newspapers 'real' in which to bring out the absurdities that most of the time they are published. To give you an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat I say, I put some examples:
"They spend two retired police dogs sexual harassment "
" The Whole Truth about the dance of the time: 'tap dance' is related to the environment cabarets "
" compensate a beer taster became an alcoholic because: What's happening in the world sommeliers? "

Believe me, these stories are real and have been published by newspapers.

Surely the media are not merely to inform but also to bill and generate revenue. From this it follows that they would almost (?) anything to sell. As ever took it out on the groups that were a mile a minute on the street and went "wild" traffic lights red (now thankfully no longer make it ... How are you doing? Insurance? But if it does not leave any of it in the newspaper ...) are now engaged in advertising or jumping footballers against any candidate.
I will end with a little of advice is this: stop believing anything you tell us. Whether you come by the newspaper or the best of our friends. The things you always hear and see a partial view of what is reality. One always has the power to believe whatever they want, but know that truth is a die of a thousand faces (faaaaaaah! philosopher I got inside, sorry).
Relax and live life. We talked the next

Sunday, June 24, 2007

How Bones Absorb Calcium

A little history ... Football World

It does not take an expert to realize that not long ago that delved into this in the blogs. So is that what you see right now is just text. But, as would a well-known football reporter, what's next, what's next, what's in this blog are photos and stories. Today's delivery and contains links, so when I have some photos, upload.
The other day I was listening to a theme of Roberto Napolitano (Argentine musician popularly known as Pappo) called "Rock and Roll and fever", and made me remember those beautiful days where music was an important part of my life. It all started back in the '97, when a group of classmates we began to "flash" (if you do not know this term, does not understand that watching a "blog "...) with how good it would live for music and have a world full of peace and joy. Since the latter was very difficult, we decided to put together a rock band-aid. The first thing was the position occupied singer of the band and face that gets all mine (generally speaking, there may be cases where the mine is carried is the guiterrista or "drummer"). To me, that I always liked the wind instruments, I dropped the sign "saxophone".
But that was not my only foray into the music. Later, as part of a "jam session" (if anyone knows Romanian then you can see the definition here also) a scout saw me singing and invited me to be part of your band. Coincidentally, this person had my same last name and lived in my own home ...
So it was with my brother played together for a while in a band called Creatures. Among our achievements, we might mention that we played in "Marquee" after the sarcophagus, which is the guitarist of "Mice Parade." Another "achievement" is to have out in the paper. Yes, indeed. I did an interview for the newspaper that gave you exit the subway (for those who do not believe me, I have a copy of the newspaper in my house).
time later, I left the band and music. Today, the boys keep playing, but a different style to which we at that time. Can hear songs from them on their web page .
Well, I started to move some levers to start showing pictures and video. Get ready! Exciting

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Is A Chest Infection Infectious?

. This could be the summary of its meaning. I do not think there is anything else that generates many different opinions about the same event. So I say that football is passion, is waking is endless wait, it's anxiety, it is anger, love incodicional. Still, there are people who are not allowed to live this kind of emotions with the simple argument that "I do not like football." But partly because I understand I took a big disappointment with this particular sport. It was the day I realized that football was not as pure as I thought. Players, DT's, coaches, managers, hooligans (in short, all) are part of the business as it is has transformed the sport. And this business does, for example, players put aside something unique to humans have: pride, that flame inside that makes us leave when we think we are losers. How can anyone not be? As you can ignore it?
million cases could cite as an example to show that or I say is true, but I will only mention two. The first has to do with who won the club championship football largest in the world and its surroundings, the glorious Academy Racing Club de Avellaneda, in December 2001 (yes, just as Argentina was in full blast ...). In principle, I will say that the team was made up of great figures. And might even say he was not even formed by large players. It was more like a guerrilla team without a lot of "jogo bonito", apparently futoblísitica idea is like that moment DT, Reinaldo Carlos Merlo. To cite a few players from that team to make the point more graphically: the chef Chatruc, Colombian Viveros (in general, came to do time and warms the game), Claudio "Siphon" Úbeda, the "Chanchi" Estevez ... and the list is longer.
back a little focus, Racing had games we could label as "suspects." For example, against Independiente. The match ended 1-1, thanks to a goal after a gruesome Loeschbor left the goalkeeper then red, Rocha. A little help from the neighbor across the street? Another game could be 3-2 to Estudiantes de La Plata, Racing party back to the locker room after going 0-2. And I can not name the last game against Velez Sarsfield. Clearly, the party should go 1-1, but not understood as Vitali's goal gives him a Chirumbolo. I'm not going to comment that the goal of Racing (did Loeschbor) was offside, but also because it would involve the árbritos within the same bag. And they themselves are honest ............
Well, I'll go to the second example. I recently told him the grandson of a former leader of River. The match in question was River-Estudiantes. River basically playing for nothing but students themselves, is at risk of falling. First time, the party was a monologue of Students, but the big goalkeeper Carrizo pulled everything. In the meantime, someone says, "Amadeo, the eye that we have to lose today." Finally, River lost that game and avoided relegation students (after they get a little more data on this example).
Despite all this, football continues to generate strong emotions and uncontrollable, as the fans of Racing filling two courts at the same time champion the day it came after 35 years. Amazing that something can mobilize so many people.
Until next post ...

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Adult Plastic Snowboards

I like things well done ...

... but first I want them done. Many have laughed at this phrase vaias times I have said. In fact, I've been the victim of teasing, insults and beatings for trying to defend it. Still, is one of my sentences header. I have a lot of reasons why I say this. One of them is used to (almost) any context. No matter the subject you are talking, there's always room to cite. Yes, I know ... chanta like a phrase from someone who does not want laburar. However, it is quite the opposite. I, for one example, I'm quite a fan of things quasi-perfect (very poas times I've done something nice). But I'm also a lover of things in stages, the "learning." I put the following example: buying a house. One always wants to have a big house, bright, with all the bells and whistles. But the take one (those who are not so lucky, that is) to buy it? And yes, too long. That's where I draw the deck of cards and say "I made the first." First I have a small home, so little by little they grow and become what I want. If you stop to think, as if you want to start your own business. Or even when faced with a new project at work. "Divide and conquer" was the chapter of a book I saw in college (much later I learned that the phrase was of Julius Caesar, terrible turro). I also like to call "baby steps".
Thanks to the guys who went through the blog and left your comment. I hope they become fans and follow it. I commented something that neither I knew: they saw down the page there are notices advertising? Well, if you make a click there, won silver for some reason. So take heart and gold llénenme:-P
The next talk about football. Do not go. Arrivederci

Monday, May 28, 2007

How Much Is A The Creator Yugioh Card Worth?

Good, good

Hello, people? Finally, I decided to create me a blog. The truth is that I have no idea what a blog is or what it does. Apparently, people only makes them mad is to write things. Put some songs, others show their own writings, some send enough fruit (a category which I'm going to include.)
I commented that before doing this, I was doing a kind of research of the issues mentioned above. I asked several people (all "digital natives") and my conclusion was that, like me, nobody knows as it is fashionable to have your blog, all I have. This has already lived with the MSN Meesenger. In time, will something else re-cool and we will all use.
Well, I will not extend much in my first post. I do not intend to bore anyone. But "sepanlón" and I have a blog and there is nothing they can do about it. Ci vediamo dopo

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

Cartoon Briefs For Adults

itself if

Rare summer ...
my Plame were sent to hell holidays with famili Japi pa stay working in the tourist city of Santiago.

Silver, silver ... wanted silver.
anecdotal as I had finished my work "interviewer" (or as normal people say, polling) in CASEN alienated I started to look like sticks ... the wea to go, anything was good, all pay a total snot.

Until one day, one wonderful day, my wonderful phone rang and wonderful melody. It was a wonderful voice informed me a wonderful q news. PEGA. In the state bank, parent, part-time, contract for all summer ... Japi.

But happiness is short ... I worked for 2 days and cast ... Pure
ataos with the bank and the company q contat us ...
did not know whether to laugh or mourn.
not know if it was good or bad cave.
Because in the end I paid their wenas Moneasa, equivalent to one month's salary for any inconvenience caused, training days (q did not), and obviously the days worked.

addition, idle one day, I won some more lucas on one of those contests Single Post a text message giving the time of the peak. ha! ... idle and Raju.

Summer and is ready pal.
And with the gentle smile on his face, I went on vacation. With a pocket plump ...
thinking I q I never hit me a cuevazo more of those.