Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Thank You Wording For Best Man


Where is the science when it is needed? See if someone sets out to investigate why people come up to the taxi when the light turns green. If the light is red you can not get on the taxi? Will the green reminds us that we have to travel?

Monday, November 30, 2009

Can Cutting Wisdom Teeth Cause An Ear Infection?

few days ago I was listening this issue and I paid attention to what he said. "It's again my turn to Win Some or learn some". There are somewhat more optimistic outlook on life?

Monday, November 16, 2009

Porch Swing Blueprint

Dear friends, it's time to reconnect

Again, after a long time, right from the unforgettable October 17, I communicate with you, I did not before because my computer went awry, but that does not matter, what matters is that we meet again and revive our memories and have fun. All who attended the lunch on October, we agreed to return to the same place on November 28th, I hope you all and many more can be out there. Cuba 1200-Jesus Ave Maria. Pastor Mary Restaurant. Do not forget to RSVP to reserve our table well in advance. Spread the word to their colleagues, who increasingly must be to reunite the Elizabethan. Look at the pics from our last meeting and are encouraged to participate. I hope your news and comments in the blog.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Watch Online M Jak Miłość

Some pics of the Reunion of the Elizabethan of October 17, 2009

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Hydrocephalus And The Army


Dear Rachel
Elizabethan For something we, as neither more nor less, is the same strategy I always used to locate our classmates, phone with its tiny little letters and my magnifying glass to hand me done little, the invaluable help of my dear friend Mary Trujillo, then the multiplier effect that all we do to meet again. Repoduzco your message here with the hope and security that many more will be added to this string of reunion giving us very excited and happy to relive moments of our existence.
Elizabethan sufficient that they are recognizing us as friends, I think that is a good way to establish friendly relations, cultivating and keeping them to spend pleasant moments with memories of places and also common people who at one time formed part of our personal history. I hope to have the pleasure to know and be able to keep in touch with you. I commend your enthusiasm to locate and gather your classmates.
The wait at lunch on 17 October. Here's
your message.

Dear Carmen Tejada

Your say who am I to write, I'm 68 but Elizabethan promoting commercial high school, I know you are organizing a lunch on October 17 but I want know if this is only for common alumnae or all and if only for the promotion 65 and all promotions. As you can see we also have our blog where we greet, we also remember pictures of the meetings that we have today, indeed we have started collecting last year to celebrate our 40 years of graduates, so I turned to locate Sherlock Holms, many have located in other provinces and abroad, have come to browse the internet to Google, Sonic, Facebook, Hi5, and I also entering Essalud, Sunat, Telefonica, etc., and so I was able to locate some or through their children because I found out with the surname of their husbands. In the relations of the students have been promoting 65 I know several. In the photos you've uploaded are photos where the Director Aurea Tejada, Director of Commerce, some teachers, when I received my degree Teachers are also common. I await your response to my questions that I did at first.

Regards, Raquel Gamarra V.
Secretary of the CDCP

View blog

Sunday, October 11, 2009

How Can I Message Fernando Torres?

Konstantino Tellidis Chirinos

preciousness This is why our mayor Elizabethan drools Promotion 1965.

born July 19, 2009 and you want all your aunts, usual Elizabethan know and what they want.

Congratulations, Ana María Díaz de Chirico, finally gave you a great desire to be a grandmother. We share your happiness and wish for all the blessings Konstantino world.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Remove Window Winding


learned. That's a good thing I can say I did. Moreover, it is better that I learn yet. Of course we all learn, that I know. But this is better than learning when you teach. What I say is that I learned by myself. You're not listening well ... I said I learned about myself, I told myself. And all I had to do is look around a second. As we say in the court, stopped the ball and lifted my head.
Maybe it's just just too optimistic, but it's amazing that so many things ahead, which at this time have so many opportunities, so many choices to make. It's a terrible feeling of freedom. Was just thinking it was a similar feeling to which I had when I foil. At one point, you pull a vacuum and you trying to find air currents carry you every time above. Being in the air, seeing everything from above, is unique. Because you have picture, because you can better decide where to direct you. Why do not you let go the first stream but why do you think is best. And there's nothing nicer than having elections. To decide is what we all want, because that's when we really are free. It is clear that there are certain decisions that generate more fear than anything else, but as a well-known contemporary philosopher said: "Fear is like a fire within. If we control it will keep us warm to keep fighting. But if they extend control and devour us and those we love. "
No miss the opportunity to stop, sit and think when everyone is running. To assess whether what you're doing makes you happy. What's the worst that can happen? Having to start over? That's really so bad?

Sunday, September 27, 2009

Rip Hamilton's Face Mask Cost

Elizabethan Reunion Luncheon October 17, 2009

Dear Friends, to create an updated agenda for us and be in constant communication to let their data get together ... The next meeting is on October 17 at Restaurant Ave Maria Pastor of Cuba 1200 - Jesus Maria to 12.oo, covered the cost is S /. 20.00. (Lunch Buffet)
must confirm attendance in order to make the reservation.
Any questions call me at 3247039 , or write me at

With love as always
Carmen Tejada R.

Gerri Willis Mole Removal

Welcome Dina Castro Raymundo - Promotion 1965. 5 ° "C"

Dear Dina, how good you've joined this blog, is our virtual space, this harbor with all my love to our most cherished friends that life has given us, our friends in school. Remember, you live!, Do not forget, still sending all the photos you have and probably more than one will be happy to see them. Here goes your message.

Elizabethan Amigas:
I Dina Castro Raymundo, also Promotion 65 - 5th. C.

I'm super excited to have news of you who shared with me a special place in a major train car of my life.

God after 44 years ... .... Like a dream !!!!!............ went very fast time !!!!... Are you ????.... but no matter we are in contact and no one to .... Sure it was worth waiting all this time ... .. is it ????....

Since I graduated college I have not heard anything from anyone .... So you can imagine how I feel at this time ... .. Happy to reconnect with you!

I say that ending the 65 years I traveled from Lima to Trujillo to run for the National University of Trujillo, to be a doctor, but life circumstances decided something different for my .... so I studied at the School of Physical Sciences and Mathematics from UNT in the School of Statistics (this was not my calling to devote myself to see the numbers but eventually it ... and despite everything I've done wrong in part because it had mind and heart model of the great math teacher who was the teacher Iraida Núñez. His teachings and his parting words in my head and still keep my diary written in sinificativamente influence: "... whatever the position you occupy in life, remember that faith and perseverance to achieve what most long for ... ... "... Thanks !!!...... teacher

A big hello and my special love to all Elizabethan and teachers who have taken different courses. How can we forget in due course if they were our point of balance ... .... My teacher Dr. Estela unmistakable Maru Castle with aplomb and safety who led me in two courses relevant to my vocation: In the third year in fourth grade Anatomy and Biology. With her parting words reflected in my journal "... .. the future is always yours will achieve what you set out for your safety and spiritual formation ... .... "It was he who helped that every time something went right ... .. I lifted his head, breathed deeply and kept going ... ... Teacher, you I knew my calling your big security transmitting and radiating spirituality .... I always carry in my mind and my heart ... .... greetings to all my teachers because each carry a special memory!! ... And be very happy if you give me news of them.

In the same university where I studied my career (at UNT) started working as a teacher from year 72 and then also I work as a teacher at the University Private Antenor Orrego de Trujillo (UPAO) and it is through e UPAO that reached me hear from you.

One of the people who shared with me the university classroom was the head of the National Office of Electoral Processes (ONPE), Dr. Magdalena Chu Villanueva, and National Dean of the School of Statistics of Peru, Dr . Baldramina Jeanette Gonzalez Castro.

Please reply my message to be sure we are in contact and continue the communication. By the time I say that I am very happy to contact you and thank God for it.

always with you God Bless!!

Les embraces strong


Tuesday, August 25, 2009

How To Make A Homemade Boat Propeller


SEVERINO GARCIA BLANCA, PROM. 1978, welcome "Elizabethan as usual" that is the idea that all heart Elizabethan visit this blog and be reunited with friends of the soul, those friendships that were forged in the school day.
not matter if we do not know personally, there will be an opportunity to meet, miemtras therefore try to contact and meet our friends through this medium.
It is gratifying to find the comments and know the emotion that causes them to evoke so many moments and people who have gone through our lives.
Note that Miss Mercedes Peñaloza Aliaga, was also our Chief Standards, Who does not remember her?, Was "green" as you say, but commanded respect and discipline, that was very useful for life .. I think now that time has passed, his memory inspires gratitude.
If you have photos, send me them for publication, detailing the names of your friends and see some very pleasant surprises to come. See you soon and register yourself as a follower of the blog.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Xbox Live Pre Paid Card Generator

Fretell, Elizabethan

Fretell Our dear friend Carmen is an Elizabethan-hearted, almost never misses our meetings. The need to remember all who know her. She did not end with us, but always followed and continues to be our friend. Share her beautiful moments of our school life. It was my companion folder 3 of high school, he was dreamy, romantic and very funny, I have many nice memories of that time. He liked to sing tangos, boleros, read poetry and entertained us a lot when we had all the things he did to go with her love life, Raul, who continues to share his life.
In this picture we see your cute pet, and since then envisioned that great love for animals, has great sensitivity and love for nature.
is a dear friend, an expert tango dancer. I'm surprised his philosophy of life, is very witty, spend quality time with your conversation and is always willing to come together to remember those wonderful years of Elizabethan.
Send them your greetings, be sure to visit this blog, remember, is to live!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Best Degreaser For Kitchen Cabinets

always PROMOTION 1965 - WELCOME TO OUR BLOG PHOTOS Hortensia Alvarado

Here we are in our Party Promotion, December 1965, can not remember exactly the date, the courtyard of our school was dressed up and many of us, for the first time we went to couples a party. How elegant!, What nice! What jóooovenes!

From left to right: Our beloved and unforgettable Julia Alvarez Chavez, may God rest his soul, a servant, Carmen Ruiz Tejada, the always cheerful and friendly Violeta Mendizabal, the always beautiful and Rosalia Véliz nostalgia and close friend Hortencia Alvarado Rosas.

I met friends! I really appreciate your comments, that encourages me to keep filling this space, I hope that every day we are more authentic Elizabethan provided through this blog we can communicate and remember the years wonderful for our existence and not only that, but interact in a more effective, taking advantage of this fabulous media.

Friday, August 7, 2009

What Has Happened To Anne Brooks Retailer

But if igualiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitas!

The time has not passed through these girls: more kilos, kilos less, more fine lines, wrinkles less and that, is it!, Moreover, are almost igualitas. Sure are the scientists. I hope they continue as happy as ever. Elizabethan

always, let them acknowledge and send the names "In case you did not know, I was the" A ", but my friends Ana Maria Diaz, Rosa Bertha Stump and Lucas will be responsible for completing the names.

Tipacti Lucia, Promotion 1967, receiving his award for winning the Interscholastic Pictorial-Musical Contest, organized by the Soroptimist Club of Lima, (year 1965)
hope to continue as talented as at that time!

Monday, July 20, 2009

Easing Acid Indigestion


Many of our colleagues who appear in this list are no longer with us, but certainly from where they will be happy to know remember that, for them, our eternal memory.


5 ° "A"
1. Albuquerque Cardosa, Gladis
2. Alvarez Abarca, Jova Dionicia
3. Chávez Alvarez, Julia Elcira
4. Accounts Angles, Irma Amarilis
5. Aquino Luna, Rosa Dominga
6. Arbañil Orozco, María Transit
7. Arce Ortiz, Maria Luisa
8. Arroyo Montañez, Mary Euphrasia
9. Bardales Bonar, Gloria
10. Coral Barron, Nora Elva
11. Ignacio Carbajal, Rosa Neri
12. Cardenas Fonseca, Nila
13. Caro Tenorio, Judith
14. Carranza Acosta, Consuelo Violeta
15. Homes Pius, Norma Isabel
16. Castillejo Ghersi, Andrea
17. Centeno Buendía, Rosa Amelia
18. Cruz Vilchez, Rosa Angelica
19. Díaz Hinojosa, Maria Marlene
20. Donayre Lévano, Aida Vicenta
21. Napán Elizalde, Flora Isabel
22. I prayed Carolina Espinoza C.
23. Delia Sanchez Luisa Espinoza
24. Ferradas Velezmoro, Amparo Betzabé
25. Flores Fuertes. Eulalia Gaudencia
26. Natalia Isabel Solis Gallardo
27. Giraldo Flores, Carmen Dora
28. Huamantinco Araujo, Alicia Alejandrina
29. Iturrizaga Spray, Carmen Eva
30. Yamasato Kanashiro, Kuis
31. Durand Leiva, Gloria Luz Yolanda
32. Mamani Lopez Zoila Luz
33. Manders Carrera. Violeta Maria
34. Nick Chavez, Mirna Amparo
35. Mendizabal Garcia, Violeta
36. Merino Tejada, Antoinette Jannett
37. Sihua Neyra, Francisca Hildaura
38. Ore Moreno, Rosa Luz
39. Oyarzábal Figueroa, Carmen Graciela
40. Paulet Rodriguez, Gloria Marciala
41. Perochena Arce, Blanca
Lucrecia 42. Ponce Collazos, Flor De Maria
43. Consuelo Ramírez Bazán Uvencia
44. Rios Escobar, Yolanda Elena
45. Echenique Rojas, Luz Maritza
46. Carpio Romero, Carmen Margarita
47. Romero Pacheco, Maria Guillermina
48. Santos Infante, Bertha Luzmila
49. Seminar Mendoza, Del Socorro Mervy
50. Shirakawa Tashima, Isabel
51. Tejada Ruiz, Carmen Eugenia
52. Tipacti Garcia, Rosalia
53. Trujillo Cornejo, María Candelaria
54. Uyema Yonamine, Esther
55. Valdivieso Recuenco, Imelda Mary
56. Vega Briol, Ernestina Mafalda
57. Velazco Gutierrez, Maria Estela
58. Véliz Becerra, Esther Rosalía

5 ° "B"
1. Canine Aguilar. Virginia
2. Alvarado Palacios, Lucia saw ..
3. Arias Diaz, Zoila Haydee
4. Bedregal Vera, Filomena
5. Edge Madrid, Sofia Noemí
6. Capchas Flores, Genoveva M.
7. Buendía Centeno, Lina Adela
8. Centeno Gil, Martha Digna
9. Cevasco Varela, Maria S.
10. Coral Del Rio, Luz Delia
11. Córdova Torres, Rita Elena
12. Howard Chong, Nancy Judith
13. Dakusaku Yogi, Margarita
14. De La Cruz Azaña, Nilda Juana
15. Delgado Aguilar, Flor De Maria
16. Del Pino Roca, Yolanda Rosa
17. Terrones Díaz, Violeta Magda
18. Escudero Ramos, Magda Elvira
19. Prado Flores, Rita Pilar
20. Narciso Garcia, Aurora Bernardino
21. Giurcovich Navarro, Gloria E.
22. Sánchez Gómez, Cristina Costa
23. Gonzalez Escalante, Marina
24. Gonzalez Gamarra, Sonia Luisa
25. González Rebaza, Amalia Lucia
26. Gómez Hurtado, Julia Imelda
27. López Escobar, Lina Ruth
28. Lloberola Aquino, Maria Luisa
29. Marcatinco Bendall, Fortunata
30. Melgar Portocarrero, Andrea
31. Merino Tejada, Yvonne Irene
32. Olivares Salinas, Luisa Domitila
33. Orellana González, Norma A.
34. Yataco Pozo, Susan Viviana
35. Elizabeth Quiroz Quirozmaría
36. Quiroz Velasquez, Lila
Tula 37. Ramírez Díaz, María Zulema
38. Ramon Gamarra, Dina Emeritus
39. Reyes Jimenez, Magda Olinda
40. Olaya Reyes, Sonia Teodora
41. Cerna Rivera, Luz Teresa
42. Tahua Rodriguez, Julia Antonia
43. Fonseca Romero, Zoila Rosa
44. Peña Rondón, Antonieta
45. Soria Ibarra, Alicia Reneé
46. Trinidad Suárez, Florentina
47. Ticona Béjar, Julia Gladys
48. Trinidad Mechuy, Juana De Dios
49. Yacos Valdez, Maria Graciela
50. Vásquez Rivera, R. Fair
51. Velásquez Angeles, Elsa Rosario
52. Velazco Lopez, Cristina Maria
53. Summer La Torre, Ibis
Chrysalis 54. Vilchez Ramos, Gerardo
Dula 55. Izen Yamakawa, Irene
56. Yagui Arakaki, Felicitas
57. Maju Zúñiga, María Elena
58. Zurita Flores, Ana María.
5 ° "C"
1. Rosas Alvarado, Hortensia Fermina
2. Infants Avilés, María Antonieta
3. Whose Ayala, Maria Fortunata
4. Vásquez Baquerizo, Teresa Eugenia
5. Casanova Bautista, Irene
6. Salazar Bohorquez, Maria Elsa
7. Raymundo Castro, Dina Charlotte
8. Collazos Paredes, Nelly Tomasa
9. Crovetto Torres, Carmen Rosa
10. Chavez Lazo, Isabel Amanda
11. Ardiles Espinoza, Irene Benedict
12. Sologuren Espinoza, Maria Esther
13. Fachín Flores, Mariela Judith
14. Cepeda González, María Violeta
15. Aliaga Guerra, Maximiliano Lourdes
16. Zumaeta War, Lady Estela
17. Guevara Angulo, Amparito
18. Guillén Rodríguez, Tania Zsdenka
19. Alzadora Guzman, Sonia Selena
20. Hartley Bringas, Gladis
21. Leaño Rojas, Hilda Elena
22. López Gallegos, Rita Hilda
23. Malpartida Cardenas Violeta
24. Malpica Turin, Norma
Magdalena 25. Urcuhuaranga Marín, Gloria
26. Peña Medina, Luz Edith
27. Mendoza Uribe, Gloria Augusta
28. Meza Camacho, Carmen Teresa
29. Carrillo Morales, Lucila Mercedes
30. Chunga Moreno, Sabina Fredeslinda
31. Mueda Pizarro, Gladys Hortense
32. Núñez Fernández, Carmen Rosa
33. Ocampo Sánchez, Martha Teresa
34. Padilla Murga, Lucy Golden
35. Castro Palomino, Beatriz
Empress 36. Bazán Reyes, Maria Luisa
37. Villena Rosas, Velia Narcisa
38. Cortez Ruiz, Cristina Pasionaria
39. Pacahuala Ruiz, Priscila
40. Suárez Salazar, Julia Teresa
41. Soldevilla Muñoz, Patricia Haydee
42. Taco Narváez, Sonia Victoria
43. Talavera Tejada, Micaela
44. Stump Arenas, Isabel Bertha
45. Alvarado Trejo, Meredith
5 ° "D"
1. Alfaro Vilela, Maria Luisa
2. Alfonzo Flores, Isabel
3. Bernales Arias, Esther Albertina
4. Arnao Carbajal, Elvira Toribia
5. Barbero Luna, Victoria Soledad
6. Bazzetti Vela, Gloria Maria
7. Cabanillas Núñez, Angelica Melva
8. Nalvarte Cáceres, María Antonieta
9. Castilla Herrera, María Consuelo
10. Conchucos Alvarez, Zoila
11. Chipana Quintanilla, María Angélica
12. Díaz Pacheco, Ana Maria
13. Aquije Fernández, Lina Meris
14. Anton Flores, Isabel Bandilla
15. Murga Flores, Juana Rosa
16. Orbegozo Fuentes, Norma Judith
17. Asca Gaitán, Rosa Angelica
18. Advíncula González, Olga Zelmira
19. Guillén Saravia, Nora I dressed
20. Guzmán Rodríguez, María Betty
21. Hauyon Vera, Rosa Julia
22. Huerta Peña, Rosa Marcela
23. Huisa Navarro, Rosalvina
24. Lee Lastra, Rosa Iraida
25. Loo Murillo, Nancy Bertha
26. Mauricio Loza, María Elena
27. Lucas Matos, Ana Rosa
28. Luque Barba, Isabel Elvira
29. Huamaní Liang, Domitila Segundina
30. Malpica Maldonado, Luz Angelica
31. Maraví Cuadros, Victoria Fausta
32. Márquez Díaz, Sonia Leda
33. Miranda González, Nancy Ann
34. Carmen Palacios, Eneyda Austragilda
35. Reyes Acosta, Beatriz Elena
36. Aguilar Rodríguez, Luciola
37. Rotta García, Zoila
Soledad 38. Agurto Ruiz, Irma William
39. Saavedra Ruiz, Rosa Nelly
40. Sender Morón, Alina Malena
41. Manamiya Shimomura, Margarita
42. Sifuentes Manrique, Judith Renee
43. Phun Tam, Guillermina
44. Tinoco Huaman, Maria Flor
45. Varas Dávila, Nelly Deidamia
46. Zevallos Olivares, Rosa María.

5 ° "E"
1. Adam Bustamante, Emma Iris
2. Chuquín Aquino, Julia
3. Pérezalbela Aramayo, Olga Luz
4. Arias Salinas, Mary Cleophas
5. Whose Ayala, Irma Angélica
6. Salazar Bohorquez, Luz Irma
7. Loayza Bravo, Margarita
8. Candy Boxes, Elvira Sumilda
9. Wheat Castro, Avilio
10. Cordova Mujica, Maria Esther
11. Chang Romero, Brnabeth Mary
12. Coi Medoza, Carmen Jesus
13. Dávila Ramírez, Mabel
14. Pastor Díaz, Elvia
15. Effio Isaacs, Rosa Emilia
16. Araujo Escudero, Carmen Luisa
17. Evangelista Garcia, Judith
18. Aburto Flores, Martha Renee
19. Galvan Cardenas, Julia Lourdes
20. Gasha Gasha, Yolanda
21. Geldres La Torre, Luisa Aurora
22. Guzmán Montenegro, Sonia Haydee
23. Ibarra Candiotti, Georgina Eddy
24. Infants Miranda, Gloria Justina
25. Read Beltrán, Dora Regina
26. Lerno Salazar, Felipa Eustaquia
27. Leyva Guerra, Corina Haydeé
28. Malpartida Rivera, Carmen Zaragoza
29. Niraval Gambini, Gladys Judith
30. Sneak Momiy, Felicita Rosa
31. Jara Montes, Olivia Marhan
32. Munaico Soldevilla, Gladys Esther
33. Channels Neyra, Celia Eusebia
34. Pacheco Torres, Genoveva Gladis
35. Palacios Garcés, Gloria Alida
36. Palacios Reyes, Rosa
37. Pérez Del Portal, Gladys Elizabeth
38. Urueta Robles, María Elena
39. Roland Nunez, Marina Isabel
40. Roland Nunez, Otilia Betzabé
41. Macavilca Salas, Josefina
42. Saldaña Rojas, Rosa Isabel
43. Garay Sánchez, Julia Irene
44. Sandoval Messiah, Gladys Bertha
45. Sarmiento Lucar, Dina Raquel
46. Summer Galarreta, Gloria Sadith
47. Elias Vicente, Consuelo Petronila

Do I Have To Take Triple Science To Be A Doctor


Our former Mayor of the 1965 Promotion Ana María Díaz de Chirico has just been released as a happy grandmother, born awaited Konstantino for joy and happiness of their dads and the whole family, we will soon know, congratulations for the whole family.


All your aunts, Elizabethan always, celebrate your arrival in this life and wish you many happy returns . A HUGE BESOTE THE NEW NEPHEW , bibs and many parents and grandparents.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Imagenes Cartoons Of Birthday

What year was the GUE "Isabel La Católica" and who was its first director?

The GUE "Isabella" was founded on March 7, 1956 by Resolution Supreme N ° 46, as Minister of Education and General Juan Mendoza Rodríguez Edcucación Director of Schools, Dr. Dolphin Ludeman.

Its first director was Dr. Golden Tejada Barba ..

Remember these names? Prof. Leonor Brena

Pacheco. Prof. Armida
Canaval C. Solari. Channels Prof.Clara Velarde

Prof. Prof. Mercedes Peñaloza Aliaga Aguilar Vilma F. Prof. Caramel
Gutierrez Vinatea Prof. Elena Luján
Miyan Prof. Luz Torres
Caycho Prof. Hilda Marquez Esteban
Prof. Prof. Nelly Pico Blanco Juana Suarez. Prof. Estela Castle

Maru Prof. Maria E. Abanto Hill. Prof. Victoria Guillen
gorse. Prof. Aida France
Arrescurrenaga. Morgan Pilgrim
Goñi Prof. Prof. Eva Pinillos Mondoñedo

Prof. Priscilla Calonge Canot. Prof. Doris Rocha Corazao

Prof. Margarita Moscoso C. Prof. Erlinda Delgado

Prof. Juana La Rosa
Assistant: Sra.Gladys Ugarte

Other names that I remember, you are responsible for remembering.
hope their contributions.

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Under the illustrious shadow of Queen Isabel the Catholic
a proud people,
yérguese huge in the clear and bright red
of the Fatherland, a light, a temple, carnation. Isabel de Castilla

oh beautiful flower!
spring of glory and love of the summit
glare bestowed
your empire under the sun
fair that was not his song.

Isabel in your honor the New World
rose to the heavens the fertile, fruitful
singing, singing fruitful
of the Indies of Columbus.

Pokemon Soul Silver English In Store


Sean welcomes all former students of the Great Unity School District Isabel la Católica de La Victoria, Lima, Peru.
This space has been created to welcome with open arms all those who came from the halls of this wonderful school and now roam the world with the desire a reunion with those friends with whom she spent the happiest years of its existence, the school day.
Remembering is living again, and wherever they are, keep in mind its Director, Ms. Tejada Golden Beard, as many teachers who helped with our training, many of which are already in the glory of the Lord, little recently, we will remember and if you can send pictures, we are happy to receive them and thus relive cherished images of our life.
A special welcome to the Promotion 1965 "Tejada Barba Aurea."

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

How Can We Play Pokemon Battle Revolution On Pc?

Be Optimistic careful! Despertame

you generate do not know what he wants (especially women). So be careful what you wish for, it can become reality!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

A Real Potion To Turn Into A Mermaid

And it was ... Although I miss

Everything you told me already knew, but wanted to hear. How things change. It is a wonder that I am now.

not matter anyway you want

Monday, June 1, 2009

Howto Get Rid Of A Chest Infection


Everyone should wake up this issue listening. Just a bad mood in the morning!

Sunday, May 17, 2009

Could My Baby Have Cystic Fibrosis

It's Showtime 05/16/2009 VIDEOS

Videos (Kimjudasblog source)
Badr Hari vs Semmy Schilt

Tyrone Spong vs Attila Karacs

Andy Souwer vs Chahid Oulad El Hadj

Gago Drago vs William Diender

Thomas Hron vs Daniel Ghita

Errol Zimmnerman vs Mourad Bouzidi

Friday, May 8, 2009

Pelvic Pain With Thigh

I think it's been almost a month. I love you.


Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Motorola Phone Recalls

Nothing bothers me more ...

... to get up from his chair and go to the office instead of having to arrive, only to realize that I forgot I had to do there.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Male Body Waxing Before And After

There is nothing more scary ...

... a light switch that does nothing (aparentemente. .. muehehehehehe).