Monday, April 11, 2011

Pokemon Soul Silver Rom Cheat

With Perón and Rucci

This blog long ago ceased to perform its function. So here I leave this fun. Blog Credits @ margaritoperon here

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Swollen Ankles That Are Due To Lyme Disease

For you, pa.

P: 6 years after your departure, I leave the ones you liked.

always miss you

Friday, January 28, 2011

Guitar Tabs Of Pirates Of The Caribbean

Requilombo in Egypt

For the tweet I find that there quilombo in Egypt. It seems that has been the explosion. From what I read here and there, the Egyptians are rotten than 30 years of Faron. And the Pharaoh, it is, which is supported by the leader of a democratic country par excellence: USA. Oh, really, with an ally like the pharaoh, the Yankees will ensure the protection of Israel. However, the Egyptians who earn about $ 6000 a year and you want to get off the autocratic Mubarak because the guy has plans to pass power to his son. Shit. It is best read to Obama talking about "democracy" means the rights of the Egyptians, the need for political reforms, social and economic, and sarasa ever.

With this post I just want to remind and remind them that the black rather than black, a Yankee.

If you do not come better.

PD: In Tunisia, there was also a brothel (down to the ruins of that) and the thing also stirs in Yemen. Did you know? Bueh, two of us then.

PD2: We have identified two of La Plata in "Never Less" . : Sbariggi, Sinclair

Monday, January 24, 2011

What's The Cake And Genital Herpes

Anibal Fernandez and Oscar Parrilli look novels. Operating

The chief of staff, Aníbal Fernández (...) tries to leave before 22 to get to see their favorite novels. Now is permeated with Against the Ropes, strip Channel 7. Another of his cabinet colleagues not to lose a chapter is the secretary general of the Presidency, Oscar Parrilli, but overturned by the Colombian Capo, broadcast by Channel 9, a typical American soap opera.

I think that is philandering.

seems to mean that Hannibal is Against the Ropes so it stays in office who knows why after tooooooodo the power lost with the appointment of the other mare, Garre and Oscar Parrilli is The Capo ie the one with the handle of the "drug?

I'm getting tired of writing the blog, even if The Nation is dedicated to pelotudeo ... Why not me?

to see. The same informant who has The Nation reported to me that I Cobos, Cleto was a fan of the TV series "Brave". Lilith, meanwhile, was a staunch follower "Orange Skin" while Duhalde did not miss one of "Love and Lord," the Duck Bullrich dying for "Pobre Diabla", all starring Andrew Zara Pacu (Arnaldo André)
For his part, all the radical, sometimes with and sometimes without it Cobos, stayed in house for the evening do not miss "My family is a picture" but neither did it disgust "Illusions." The Federal Peronist early Colo de Narvaez exceeded their depression while watching Poliladron Sola brother (Felipe talk) tortured the horses he bought with "No Code." In Hotton said he looked "Disputes", which was going to like and re-hooked!

jueput @ s are not revealing what his informants have told you about the issue.

Monday, January 17, 2011

How Does A Watch Know What Month It Is

cry President Scioli (by teaching)

hit Pagni love from this blog shit. I have no arrival or intelligence having him, but at least I taste, of the 100 KKS coming here to get hit, even discursively, as I sent him fruit.
Well, Pagni, who wrote yesterday, what's going to shoot the shit with Cristina is insecurity or rather Scioli, whenever he wants, no?. She, Mrs. Kirchner, a widow who eventually killed him, he can take office, so the thought of Pagni, is surrounded by uncertainty. Among the kilos of cocaine that arrived in Spain and theft suffered almost firsthand how much dough is not in dollars and euros, the horse will fall by its own weight. Scioli worse they already know and rubs his hands. Or do not know and try to make him see Pagni.

Scioli believes that insecurity can sink to the President in the polls. Cree, therefore, it is the only factor able to transform him into a candidate's PJ. For now, he is skeptical about the outcome, and resign himself to repeat in the province.

Translation: Look Scioli, already tried everything, field, and lately, we've done it with Duhalde, and launched Sanz, and now we believe in you. We affirm that one of the tools to destabilize the widow is the issue of insecurity. Do you want to be president or not? Decide that from here I will do the endurance and also tell him what to do. I teach, bah.


there anything in this superficial understanding of politics. Scioli has not yet been asked, for example, if the contract he signed eight years ago with Kirchner, you will no longer be president, but to survive as governor for another term.

Translation: he clarified that it is foolish to think that only with uncertainty, with three or four previous dead, or better, with the shrieks discursive imposition order, we can stumble on the mare. We tried and almost caught, but we fell short. Therefore, the strategy must reinforce it with something else: Scioli know that the widow is Kirchner, you need not renew the contract he made with the deceased. If you aspire to be president should not you repeat it, because if so they will not even be governor of the province of Buenos Aires and least of the nation's president. Never again to support him as we are doing now. Stop being the doormat that was with Kirchner and impose a time.


Scioli aims to determine the selection of vice presidential candidate for the kirchnerismo not promote someone who can overshadow him.

Translation: Look, Scioli, has to play now, you can not allow someone you cope Kirchner mate. Who has to surround you, or one of his, because I know well that you are not Kirchner. And if it was during all this time, in its way, you can stop being so. Also, think a bit. There is always the possibility of large Cobos, right? Why not again?. Did not work out what Cleto, because it is radical, but with one of PJ, we can go gem.


should think: it is possible that if he responds to Cristina Kirchner without recover the autonomy of his office, not only delaying the presidency four years. Scioli is delivering perhaps his entire career.

Translation: and I say right here old Scioli: "I should think" no southpaw or Kirchner in the vice presidency. Nothing continue this Bolivarian model already exhausted . How long have you Bolivarian? Imagine for a moment that we try and operate the mare with all we had at our disposal and not walked. Now, we can only make the attempt, but from within himself the PJ, which is where the real power. And if it's from the PJ that supports Cristina much better. We must seize the partisan conflict that is already in the PJ in this election year. And who better than you to use it? Psss, actually, not that you are better than others, is that you manage the province of Buenos Aires. Do not be confused. After Cristina, who more power you have. Take advantage man, take advantage if you want to be president ever. You saw that the opposition is a fiasco. None of them helps us. But you do.

Eye, which I took to the chacota, but it is no coincidence that Zaffaroni say this:

The judge noted that a segment of police dissenting, joined a coalition of media (Pagni, phone!) and some political segment concerned, have the capacity to destabilize.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

How Much Wood Do I Put In A Smoker

My neighbor antik vote for Cristina.

Today I found myself in Chinese with one of my neighbors, not below, but the corner, which is also antik. He said "Cristina's are close, although other intelligence, like Elizabeth."
bueh, film me for a while and as she grabbed the bread and eggs me tells me



Friday, January 7, 2011

Nami One Piece Hot Wallpapers

The Dakar me crazy. 2011 version

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Rugby Wallabies Posters

The Bolivarian model is exhausted

Pagni praying that the horse is fit and finish with the subsidies the fuck up: shrink the state is to enlarge the nation. The times are shortened, the widow dropped in one year, 30 percent negative image , and it appears that if it wins the election, scraping passes.
The evidence is clear: Evo line back then, Chavez is engaged and stops devalueta subsidies on food and medicines (which are imported) and the horse, cut the light, leaves Dakar out of gas and not over puts the right order for investments to come. Legal certainty does not exist. The trade surplus shrinks, capital flight. No dosh, play yard in fact. The boqueteros of 137 safe deposit boxes are destroyed, in fact, confiscated kk. The reserve figures are drawn. People consumed so that the twine does not take inflation. Economic advancement, in essence, is an illusion. All demagoguery. Cristina Montonero re-nun-cies.
That if, if the horse is fit and the social catastrophe, there will be clubs, tear gas and tanks around the world, especially for montoneros and black. That strange Pagni, is one of their deepest desires, order a spray and pray, and, if possible, only 35 people in Buenos Aires. Thus, it appears from what was said by Pagni, we would be opening their arms to reach the capital, strengthening the legal security, bringing order to what today is messy, and so we ended up with the laziness of blacks Rest Plan, just with subsidies to them, and light companies, gas, the bondis, and airlines. All at the very shit. People? Fuck him. Light pay 600 pesos a month in summer, and gas in winter, another 600 pesos. Bondi? 5 pesos 5 pesos round back. This will ensure the arrival of funds and avoid leakage. The dollar, if possible, 10 pesos. Cooled the economy. The surplus balance, without any reduction in the annual comparison. This would give great comfort to Pagni.
I said I read The Nation because I predicted the worst evils that can happen to the country. Since 2009 we are gaffes. So today's goal spanking Pagni, expressions of desire, "the Bolivarian model is exhausted." Horror gives the mare is who govern for four more years. Cries out for someone to do something to stop the populist Chavez has done so much damage to the interests he defends. Looks around and sees no one drinking. Is just screaming from his column "opinion." And on top from the government that could threaten to cancel the contract of electricity companies. Double horror. But as is not the horse that was sent to cut off that light?

says the journalist who is very intelligent but now it is done well the asshole: Latin America is in the presence of nth power failure of a populist who refuses to incorporate into their intellectual baggage one elementary notion: the notion of constraint.

to restrict guys! Enough water, light, gas, prices more or less accessible, no more subsidies, enough appliances to 500 units, enough of travel, enough truckers wage of 6000 pesos, enough of universal allocation, stop having children Enough of record consumption, enough holiday like never before, stop eating. Eye, is not restricted at all, it is restricted to those who have little or have something. The more limited to, the better. The rest, unrestricted: free market economy, open the invisible hand regulating, free dollar, back to $ 400 and bofe to $ 200, companies that define their tariffs freely, no intervention. The only thing that serves the state is to be policeman. We clear? Soldati facts of what they have revealed. And much respect for the law, as requested by Mauricio Macri, only enforces the law if the state intervenes, the police state.

vacate put @ s.