Monday, January 17, 2011

How Does A Watch Know What Month It Is

cry President Scioli (by teaching)

hit Pagni love from this blog shit. I have no arrival or intelligence having him, but at least I taste, of the 100 KKS coming here to get hit, even discursively, as I sent him fruit.
Well, Pagni, who wrote yesterday, what's going to shoot the shit with Cristina is insecurity or rather Scioli, whenever he wants, no?. She, Mrs. Kirchner, a widow who eventually killed him, he can take office, so the thought of Pagni, is surrounded by uncertainty. Among the kilos of cocaine that arrived in Spain and theft suffered almost firsthand how much dough is not in dollars and euros, the horse will fall by its own weight. Scioli worse they already know and rubs his hands. Or do not know and try to make him see Pagni.

Scioli believes that insecurity can sink to the President in the polls. Cree, therefore, it is the only factor able to transform him into a candidate's PJ. For now, he is skeptical about the outcome, and resign himself to repeat in the province.

Translation: Look Scioli, already tried everything, field, and lately, we've done it with Duhalde, and launched Sanz, and now we believe in you. We affirm that one of the tools to destabilize the widow is the issue of insecurity. Do you want to be president or not? Decide that from here I will do the endurance and also tell him what to do. I teach, bah.


there anything in this superficial understanding of politics. Scioli has not yet been asked, for example, if the contract he signed eight years ago with Kirchner, you will no longer be president, but to survive as governor for another term.

Translation: he clarified that it is foolish to think that only with uncertainty, with three or four previous dead, or better, with the shrieks discursive imposition order, we can stumble on the mare. We tried and almost caught, but we fell short. Therefore, the strategy must reinforce it with something else: Scioli know that the widow is Kirchner, you need not renew the contract he made with the deceased. If you aspire to be president should not you repeat it, because if so they will not even be governor of the province of Buenos Aires and least of the nation's president. Never again to support him as we are doing now. Stop being the doormat that was with Kirchner and impose a time.


Scioli aims to determine the selection of vice presidential candidate for the kirchnerismo not promote someone who can overshadow him.

Translation: Look, Scioli, has to play now, you can not allow someone you cope Kirchner mate. Who has to surround you, or one of his, because I know well that you are not Kirchner. And if it was during all this time, in its way, you can stop being so. Also, think a bit. There is always the possibility of large Cobos, right? Why not again?. Did not work out what Cleto, because it is radical, but with one of PJ, we can go gem.


should think: it is possible that if he responds to Cristina Kirchner without recover the autonomy of his office, not only delaying the presidency four years. Scioli is delivering perhaps his entire career.

Translation: and I say right here old Scioli: "I should think" no southpaw or Kirchner in the vice presidency. Nothing continue this Bolivarian model already exhausted . How long have you Bolivarian? Imagine for a moment that we try and operate the mare with all we had at our disposal and not walked. Now, we can only make the attempt, but from within himself the PJ, which is where the real power. And if it's from the PJ that supports Cristina much better. We must seize the partisan conflict that is already in the PJ in this election year. And who better than you to use it? Psss, actually, not that you are better than others, is that you manage the province of Buenos Aires. Do not be confused. After Cristina, who more power you have. Take advantage man, take advantage if you want to be president ever. You saw that the opposition is a fiasco. None of them helps us. But you do.

Eye, which I took to the chacota, but it is no coincidence that Zaffaroni say this:

The judge noted that a segment of police dissenting, joined a coalition of media (Pagni, phone!) and some political segment concerned, have the capacity to destabilize.


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