Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Rugby Wallabies Posters

The Bolivarian model is exhausted

Pagni praying that the horse is fit and finish with the subsidies the fuck up: shrink the state is to enlarge the nation. The times are shortened, the widow dropped in one year, 30 percent negative image , and it appears that if it wins the election, scraping passes.
The evidence is clear: Evo line back then, Chavez is engaged and stops devalueta subsidies on food and medicines (which are imported) and the horse, cut the light, leaves Dakar out of gas and not over puts the right order for investments to come. Legal certainty does not exist. The trade surplus shrinks, capital flight. No dosh, play yard in fact. The boqueteros of 137 safe deposit boxes are destroyed, in fact, confiscated kk. The reserve figures are drawn. People consumed so that the twine does not take inflation. Economic advancement, in essence, is an illusion. All demagoguery. Cristina Montonero re-nun-cies.
That if, if the horse is fit and the social catastrophe, there will be clubs, tear gas and tanks around the world, especially for montoneros and black. That strange Pagni, is one of their deepest desires, order a spray and pray, and, if possible, only 35 people in Buenos Aires. Thus, it appears from what was said by Pagni, we would be opening their arms to reach the capital, strengthening the legal security, bringing order to what today is messy, and so we ended up with the laziness of blacks Rest Plan, just with subsidies to them, and light companies, gas, the bondis, and airlines. All at the very shit. People? Fuck him. Light pay 600 pesos a month in summer, and gas in winter, another 600 pesos. Bondi? 5 pesos 5 pesos round back. This will ensure the arrival of funds and avoid leakage. The dollar, if possible, 10 pesos. Cooled the economy. The surplus balance, without any reduction in the annual comparison. This would give great comfort to Pagni.
I said I read The Nation because I predicted the worst evils that can happen to the country. Since 2009 we are gaffes. So today's goal spanking Pagni, expressions of desire, "the Bolivarian model is exhausted." Horror gives the mare is who govern for four more years. Cries out for someone to do something to stop the populist Chavez has done so much damage to the interests he defends. Looks around and sees no one drinking. Is just screaming from his column "opinion." And on top from the government that could threaten to cancel the contract of electricity companies. Double horror. But as is not the horse that was sent to cut off that light?

says the journalist who is very intelligent but now it is done well the asshole: Latin America is in the presence of nth power failure of a populist who refuses to incorporate into their intellectual baggage one elementary notion: the notion of constraint.

to restrict guys! Enough water, light, gas, prices more or less accessible, no more subsidies, enough appliances to 500 units, enough of travel, enough truckers wage of 6000 pesos, enough of universal allocation, stop having children Enough of record consumption, enough holiday like never before, stop eating. Eye, is not restricted at all, it is restricted to those who have little or have something. The more limited to, the better. The rest, unrestricted: free market economy, open the invisible hand regulating, free dollar, back to $ 400 and bofe to $ 200, companies that define their tariffs freely, no intervention. The only thing that serves the state is to be policeman. We clear? Soldati facts of what they have revealed. And much respect for the law, as requested by Mauricio Macri, only enforces the law if the state intervenes, the police state.

vacate put @ s.


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