Saturday, October 30, 2010

Pioneer Dv220v Region Free

Confirmed: Cristina is one big horse

Read this post . Pay attention to a comment (which will identify immediately.) Note now that the post and the comments gave rise to the sum of detail: with one hand not going to meet to count. Bah, I think that not having both.

Now read my last post, written before that of Baleno.

I tell him I did not publish it in this last post: Laura , Gladys, Gladys husband and I went together to mourn four Nestor. No my friends, but I cried to Cristina. And the mare even gave me grief.

When I cried to her, she told the screaming "mommy" because daddy is gone. Evo Morales said Latin America was "an orphan." My psiconalista to like about the policy says exactly the same, although he also made reference to these parents and parents who are not. (He told me some things Boudou that ...... ay, another day the story.)

said, that is no longer daddy, but it is mommy. Watch this video I found today. (0:40 to 0:54 minutes)

Va keeping track? Wait, there's more. When the four entered the room distraught, I did not hear but said after the husband of Gladys that one of the guards said "harangue the president."

I took it as a clear sign of weakness, "is very bad, intends to long all the crap and this guy asks what speeches to not fall at all. "And the horse is in fact the rag I was going wrong: I'm one that does not know Cristina.

Other detallecitos (the" cytes "is because it sounds nice just because of "cytes" have nothing)

Neither does the ceremony at the Congress where the traitor: "I will break the arm with the other in a typical gesture and I tano in Rosada, where I am, my place, and also because I am legitimately mommy. Now, just, I just put one foot in the Pink to kick off the wake, also I will show that I am a mommy of fact. "

not let you install any opponent standing next to her, have them sit on the sides, back. They are, but invisible, the crowd is one but without any relevance.

lets not give him, not even a kiss formal condolences. The have thrown there. Rejeje. Lulu says :

Unusual also occurred: the President did not leave room for the opposition leaders saluted as Mauricio Macri, Ricardo Alfonsin and Francisco de Narvaez, who immediately came to the funeral.

He added: the Supreme Court, either.

The only people who touch the drawer are Maradona and Moyano.

or that does not allow the Betrayer or stick their nose tack by Casa Rosada, the traitor, a traitor and tack, because it is the "set" to Kirchner. I can understand that the excuse for not letting go the Betrayer is "that the militants are bitching." Yes, May be: among the list of songs, the "Andate Cobos whore who bore you" was the first, as we know, but I'm not clear that this same argument can also apply to Duhalde. Lulu again:

Aníbal Fernández loyally turned Julio Cobos and Eduardo Duhalde to say it was better not to be. Why? Had been the target of the anger of the protesters

Eye, the mare is well mama: passed all American presidents and stops right next to it. As visible as her. Read this post .

And, above, come to spend an hour miserable (case Lula leaving the frantic work of the election).

not apply here, "but do not see the sun, always." Here, all the logic is "is only if it is."

Also, American soles have the privilege of touching the chest, which is closed.

this respect serve says: Basically what first caught the attention of the whole world opened to the public as the chapel of Dr. Kirchner, the drawer closed. There is no visual record, then, the corpse of former president died.


But also, as Cristina Fernandez was placed at the head of the sarcophagus, chambers of the Court (producer virtually captive by the Presidency, only present in the Casa Rosada, which took the other channel signal) the focused at all times, be it close or general.

Not only that, then when it was discovered that they were terribly effusive speeches Cristina went on to share camera with the barrage. So we had opera singers, minstrels and servants, all excited. In addition to breaking into tears, which are also worth a lot.

My mom tells me: "I'm sure Cristina forbidden to mourn their children to burst gorillas, and the kids are enduring. "What the Congress for Pink, she saw it too. Faster I, the old.

Channel 13 Neither TN nor pass images from inside the Casa Rosada. No, sir. prefer the square. They will not make your contribution to the role of the mare. Or have information or saw it coming. Or not requested the transfer and then come out and say "not want to give it."

Chavez came to Rio Gallegos to let one flower to Nestor. "I kept thinking, half in jest, that the late Roberto Galán could return from heaven, his classic program and say" We have formed a partner ". Now I see that it was a jodita becomes something else: Cristina is telling everyone who will listen," has formed a new partner "and not the kind loving as I raved to me.

Last detail: the mare out of the car in the middle of the procession. She is sitting on, because it is a mare, and in full mess RECAGE to fart the wrong way to Ratis that supply their voters. Watch the video.

Now, draw your own conclusions.

My psiconalista I said: "When Cristina resume his duties will begin to show signs that should be read." Error. Opponents and journalists in the slopes for a while they are reading signs and he and I are papando flies.

PD: and with these details in the outstanding journalists insist "Operation Isabelita?

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Does It Snow At Fort Campbell

Always in my heart, Nestor

Today I went to see your Nestor, Cristina.
And I cried.
However, when I had you in front, you just saw you, Cristina.
That, alone, you and me, and nobody else. With so many out, I just saw you you.
do not know why, but you all filled, Paradita there, with your sorrow and grief.
also cried for you, Cristina, and cried for me.
And I cried for the poor who were and are there, and those who could not come.
I cried for this time of insult, contempt, hypocrisy.
I cried for all those who love you but never could put it in front of a television camera. Those to be invisible, those that can not be. Today
fully understand what my father felt for Peron, and is the same as the people and I feel for you.
Always in my heart, Nestor.
with you more than ever, Cristina.


Saturday, October 23, 2010

Film Zoofilia Streaming

FRIENDS ARE THE CLASH postponed until November 6 2010

Do not be discouraged, however, we have more time to try to locate more friends. For reasons beyond our reunion with Betsy Guillen has been postponed on November 6, 2010, at the same time and same place. Do not forget to attend. The hope.
In case you have forgotten, the address is this: Rodriguez de Mendoza
255 - Pueblo Libre block
Height 6 of Av Bolivar (l Esplada YMCA)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Side Effects Of Myoden


This post is personal catharsis. Nothing political. @ Bueh be warned, almost nothing, just something at the end.

In March I will Ushuaia and El Calafate. All plane. Iiijjj. Only think I have to do three flights in six days I gather the rear. I've only flown six times: the first to Mendoza and already with 37 Pirules. I took
window to see the landscape was sitting there, alone like a dog, bah, a bitch, I me, the window, the landscape and panic. Peel, amount endless noise if they are not normal or not, I RECAGE bad legs, my stomach was going up little by little, I look to others to find any indication that the machine is about to explode but the passengers are reading, sleeping, or pretending to sleep, the flight attendants are not look, why do not you see? Where are daughters of a bitch to these noises? What are those noises? and while I suffer alone up on that machine of the devil think how long the bondi of Mendoza to Buenos Aires, and providing for the return. Saco
all crap that I brought to read to pass the time: Agamben and People magazine I bought at the Aeroparque. I start with Agamben: without cagazo understand half, so that cagazo not understand even the meaning of the word "until." Agamben keep and take out the People. Or read my mind because I do not jot what he says, so I dedicate it to look at the figures. Salen
whore daughters of flight attendants who were saved while they had to be visible, carts carrying rubbish to eat and drink. I serve cookies and crackers, "juice, beer or coffee? ask little juices. I'm not what feet are flat on the ground, "lest they fall the fuck this" and go with the legs raised for an hour and a half (yes, it is very childish). While I'm at full cookie sweet talk the aircraft commander: "I am the fool who studied to fly this machine. The weather is good and get to Mendoza in 55 minutes. But we probably have turbulence. "Whore mother! Turbulence? Airport 76! Look at the faces. Nor flinch. I wonder how can I be so calm and so RECAGE.
There was no turbulence. Thanks to the Virgin, God, Jesus, Muhammad O Lord, the angels and cosmic forces.
already lowering the little juices, are the daughters of a bitch again to remove the tray. They raise all as shot. The stomach announces the fall as the best and I notice if I have buckled . Yes, it is buckled because I never undid it.
The truth is nice from up here, the problem is that if I fall here I Rev. do shit. "Around Falopa I take the hard head that I did not take"
machine from hell lands, the major son of a bitch slows as if we were above the Feyari and changes the traffic light from green to red nonstop in the yellow and opens the door to the cockpit with violence. I am in the third row seat and watch and, worse still, I hear everything. I almost fainted from fright. But hang on because at least I can now support the legs on the floor. Expect
not finish.
chiquetazo I get up and to flee the torture machine and I'm standing in the hallway by myself, when I hear "Gentlemen are requested to passengers not rise from their seats until the aircraft has not been completely stopped. "And the plane is not completely stopped. The flight attendant looks at me bitch veeeeeeeeery wrong. I feel. End of the trip.
the way back, I take half a tablet, because I assess that plane, peak hour and I'm home. Do not make me shit. Although at least now know what the takeoff will be noisy and I'm going to go wrong.

2: Cordoba. I take a pill whole. Nor do I make a shit about anything. It takes me nor cagazo anxiety or sleep I get. Ná. This time, I have one next door, to which I say I'm RECAGE, and mine, wave, talk to me all the way. Commander son of a bitch does not warn that we will have turbulence. Well, we have turbulence. According to my travel companion circumstantial "are movements like when you go by car, right?" is right. And I remain calm, bueh, more or less quiet.
On the back, I'm in the lobby of the hostel watching the news and waiting for you near the time to go home. The evil birthed have no better idea to put this video. (I swear I saw this a couple of hours before going to the airport!)

already on the plane, I have two older sisters who are next sitting. A look at me and asks: - "Are you afraid?" - "I'm RECAGE" - "we do not" , says one of the old while the other puts his hands in prayer, crosses himself and prays: " diossitooo, diossodidoto, virgenciiiiitata, disodiostitsito, santttoo, amen."
While watching the shit I say old, I look up and I find Flor V. I look, I see. It sits in my row but on the other side. She and the accompanying crazy are the last to go. No one asks take pictures, but we hear whispers. Party on the plane and arrived home safely.

Trip 3: Salta and Jujuy. This time, I take the whole pill that improves with ingredients. Juice, beer or coffee? BEER. The combination pill with beer, super hits me, and I give a shit if it falls or not. Support legs on the floor, as I alone in the seats until you dare me to the window. When we come to Salta the plane starts circling over the airport. Why this motherfucker shit is going around and not land? There is no one to ask, flight attendants are not: the effect of combineta I miss the touch. After a couple of turns, and making landfall, a few fund wimp applaud and cheer. Now I know that those who are asleep or rather, eyes closed, during a trip hour and a half, in fact, are terribly Falopa. And RECAGE, like me.
On the return trip I doped, again, a full bar and beer. I took window and I enjoyed a lot, especially when flying over the north, and coming to the Airport, and are the river, tennis courts, the houses, green ... But the trip was cut streak and now have to re-adjust.

However, for the next trip to Ushuaia and El Calafate not catch me off guard: I will sing just come to Aeroparque.

Oh, the places I visited, all precious.


top, I find that other videito, uploaded in November 2009. The mare Cristina Recalde bad beats in at least one year. And all just because it is a mare.

Friday, October 1, 2010

What O Write In Wedding Card

Air travel and the decline of mass media

Do not you have Twitter account? I recommend you go to the urgent and open one. Now once I explain why.
Until yesterday my perception about the roles and utilities that could provide tweet were:
1. Appeal Pasat, consistent in celebration of one-liners Retweet liable
2. Appeal Pasat, consisting of read Retweet of @ kk twitterers FerIglesias originated and its surroundings, full of irony and also various types of insults, that move one to laughter but also to the penalty. It seems that not only I caught this functionality: kk prominent blogger sent me the following message: "How do shake Fernando Iglesias. I'm shitting of evil laughter."
To add, say the above not only retweet @ FerIglesias but at the same time promotes dispersed for one kk twitterers incorporates your watchlist. Ergo, a feature derived and fostered by @ FerIglesias is to "know" kakismo addicts.
However, yesterday joined third utility that I think is fundamental: information. That said, not worth much, but the issue was not only perceived by me. While we were in full wave of COUP ATTEMPT the sister republic of Ecuador, I rose from my location on the computer to go to find more information on TV several times. Here there was nothing new that had not read in the tweet. Moreover, before the information appeared on TV I had already heard through the tweet. So I thought: "I go to the compu because television does not say a shit. "mine was in these terms but Maria Esperanza Casullo as defined with certainty in the same tweet: he spoke of" the death of the press and I think also that of television. Since the conflict began even once watched a news portal, it did not take it all in tweet. "The same thing happened to me.
Remember the oft phrase" the maelstrom of information " said and re in television? Well, repeated ad nauseam by Perez Loiseau has ceased to apply solely to television, now the rush is on Tuite. What's more, I think no longer applies to it and now in the tweet primerea . explain why and this is also fundamental information today comes from tweet is not from newspapers, or television or any mass medium than cell phones and the internet channel itself is: comes from ordinary people who does not filter, not edit, or conditions, or panfletea, or lie about what is happening in the scene. This was the case of twitterers @ paulavernimmen, psychiatrist, not a journalist, who was in a hospital in front of the hospital where he was Correa. For hours tweeted everything that happened and she was the first to announce that the Ecuadorian people began to surround the hospital where he was Correa was the first to announce it military trucks approaching but did not know what it means, either, "was she who announced with great distress that the police threw tear gas on his people, and she was the first to say he was in the middle of a war between police and military. No media had its day. Indeed, many media should have read to her and others who were in the same situation.
Thanks to tweet and twitterers, as a judge Mendoza stops me, I could see Telesur Live: fell the image? No matter, the twitterers will provide another 10 pages where Telesur broadcast. They were also the first to send links to twitterers TV viewing public of Ecuador that was taken by the rebels.
The relevance is that the bureaucratic machine and heavy oil but the newspapers and television is unable to compete with a common currency of informing you with a cell phone or a blackberry, without filters, without ulterior motives, not opinions, no drop line. Hence the desperation of journalists and mass media, hence the attack on bloggers from around the world, including Argentina to, promptly refer you to the twitterers. The traditional mass media (newspaper, magazines, radio, tv) have today many fronts competitors that are emptied of its meaning. Why watch TV or read the paper online, or even worse yesterday's paper, if there instantly NOW ALL IN ONE PLACE AND UNIQUE, entirely free of noise and interference, in what is called Twitter? Why pay a reporter if the common populace with only a cell phone (which also gets you out the photo) that look before, and hopefully incorporating processing, is now almost supplanting it with the bonus that you do not edit what happens in reality? Today anyone becomes a "journalist." Since yesterday I fully understand that the reign of the mass media, whether radio, television or newspapers, including online, as creators, managers, holders and exclusive dispersers of a word has begun to wane. Into a tailspin. And I speak a word because words are many. Example: @ psirven (Paul serves editor of The Nation) sends a tweet which said that "Correa is free to leave the hospital but does not." Probably the same is written in The Nation in its online version. However, thanks to links twitterers TeleSur that left I could hear live Correa said that did not leave the hospital because the police had surrounded. Did that in The Nation? I think not.
fuck was completed, kids from the media. Democracy arrived in earnest. The fourth power, some placed him not long ago as the first, is starting to give ground. Media Law and see it today, exaggerating a bit, as outmoded: it seeks to regulate what long ago began to perish. Attempts to defend the deputies disheveled and @ @ PatoBullrich SilGiudici for members of the corporate media in decline and against Metralleta blogueria Carrasco and K are outdated. Even today, in time to be blogging @ Tuite also has almost become somewhat bureaucratic and cumbersome to maintain the analogy. Today, bloggers, and a few months ago, we remain an alternative reading, which match point and was still living, to me until yesterday, the material leido en los diarios o visto en la televisión. Hoy eso se terminó. Para mi, y para unos cuantos que cazaron al vuelo el significado de Twitter: entre ellos la ya mencionada Maria Esperanza, pero también el Conu y Ezequiel Meler, blogueros, que fueron quienes tuitearon cosas parecidas a las que dijo María Esperanza respecto de Twitter y la muerte de los diarios y de la televisión.
Para terminar contar una par de anécdotas de qué hacen los periodistas cuando no les conviene o no les gusta lo que sucede en la realidad. El encumbrado periodista @dariogallo, mientras Correa estaba encarcelado en el hospital, recomendaba a través del Twitter revistas para leer. @PEliashev, por su parte, develaba un descubrimiento que I was pleasantly surprised: a DVD of David Byrne tweeted while everyone else talked frantically on the brothel in Ecuador. How do these two cynical to stop this avalanche of information? Nothing, because they can not, its only strategy is useless, was to attempt some kind of distraction through entertainment. I must be fair and say that @ majulluis also sent a single tweet, but very accurate: "This is a coup attempt disguised wage claim." So some, still, can they save something: dignity.