Thursday, October 21, 2010

Side Effects Of Myoden


This post is personal catharsis. Nothing political. @ Bueh be warned, almost nothing, just something at the end.

In March I will Ushuaia and El Calafate. All plane. Iiijjj. Only think I have to do three flights in six days I gather the rear. I've only flown six times: the first to Mendoza and already with 37 Pirules. I took
window to see the landscape was sitting there, alone like a dog, bah, a bitch, I me, the window, the landscape and panic. Peel, amount endless noise if they are not normal or not, I RECAGE bad legs, my stomach was going up little by little, I look to others to find any indication that the machine is about to explode but the passengers are reading, sleeping, or pretending to sleep, the flight attendants are not look, why do not you see? Where are daughters of a bitch to these noises? What are those noises? and while I suffer alone up on that machine of the devil think how long the bondi of Mendoza to Buenos Aires, and providing for the return. Saco
all crap that I brought to read to pass the time: Agamben and People magazine I bought at the Aeroparque. I start with Agamben: without cagazo understand half, so that cagazo not understand even the meaning of the word "until." Agamben keep and take out the People. Or read my mind because I do not jot what he says, so I dedicate it to look at the figures. Salen
whore daughters of flight attendants who were saved while they had to be visible, carts carrying rubbish to eat and drink. I serve cookies and crackers, "juice, beer or coffee? ask little juices. I'm not what feet are flat on the ground, "lest they fall the fuck this" and go with the legs raised for an hour and a half (yes, it is very childish). While I'm at full cookie sweet talk the aircraft commander: "I am the fool who studied to fly this machine. The weather is good and get to Mendoza in 55 minutes. But we probably have turbulence. "Whore mother! Turbulence? Airport 76! Look at the faces. Nor flinch. I wonder how can I be so calm and so RECAGE.
There was no turbulence. Thanks to the Virgin, God, Jesus, Muhammad O Lord, the angels and cosmic forces.
already lowering the little juices, are the daughters of a bitch again to remove the tray. They raise all as shot. The stomach announces the fall as the best and I notice if I have buckled . Yes, it is buckled because I never undid it.
The truth is nice from up here, the problem is that if I fall here I Rev. do shit. "Around Falopa I take the hard head that I did not take"
machine from hell lands, the major son of a bitch slows as if we were above the Feyari and changes the traffic light from green to red nonstop in the yellow and opens the door to the cockpit with violence. I am in the third row seat and watch and, worse still, I hear everything. I almost fainted from fright. But hang on because at least I can now support the legs on the floor. Expect
not finish.
chiquetazo I get up and to flee the torture machine and I'm standing in the hallway by myself, when I hear "Gentlemen are requested to passengers not rise from their seats until the aircraft has not been completely stopped. "And the plane is not completely stopped. The flight attendant looks at me bitch veeeeeeeeery wrong. I feel. End of the trip.
the way back, I take half a tablet, because I assess that plane, peak hour and I'm home. Do not make me shit. Although at least now know what the takeoff will be noisy and I'm going to go wrong.

2: Cordoba. I take a pill whole. Nor do I make a shit about anything. It takes me nor cagazo anxiety or sleep I get. NĂ¡. This time, I have one next door, to which I say I'm RECAGE, and mine, wave, talk to me all the way. Commander son of a bitch does not warn that we will have turbulence. Well, we have turbulence. According to my travel companion circumstantial "are movements like when you go by car, right?" is right. And I remain calm, bueh, more or less quiet.
On the back, I'm in the lobby of the hostel watching the news and waiting for you near the time to go home. The evil birthed have no better idea to put this video. (I swear I saw this a couple of hours before going to the airport!)

already on the plane, I have two older sisters who are next sitting. A look at me and asks: - "Are you afraid?" - "I'm RECAGE" - "we do not" , says one of the old while the other puts his hands in prayer, crosses himself and prays: " diossitooo, diossodidoto, virgenciiiiitata, disodiostitsito, santttoo, amen."
While watching the shit I say old, I look up and I find Flor V. I look, I see. It sits in my row but on the other side. She and the accompanying crazy are the last to go. No one asks take pictures, but we hear whispers. Party on the plane and arrived home safely.

Trip 3: Salta and Jujuy. This time, I take the whole pill that improves with ingredients. Juice, beer or coffee? BEER. The combination pill with beer, super hits me, and I give a shit if it falls or not. Support legs on the floor, as I alone in the seats until you dare me to the window. When we come to Salta the plane starts circling over the airport. Why this motherfucker shit is going around and not land? There is no one to ask, flight attendants are not: the effect of combineta I miss the touch. After a couple of turns, and making landfall, a few fund wimp applaud and cheer. Now I know that those who are asleep or rather, eyes closed, during a trip hour and a half, in fact, are terribly Falopa. And RECAGE, like me.
On the return trip I doped, again, a full bar and beer. I took window and I enjoyed a lot, especially when flying over the north, and coming to the Airport, and are the river, tennis courts, the houses, green ... But the trip was cut streak and now have to re-adjust.

However, for the next trip to Ushuaia and El Calafate not catch me off guard: I will sing just come to Aeroparque.

Oh, the places I visited, all precious.


top, I find that other videito, uploaded in November 2009. The mare Cristina Recalde bad beats in at least one year. And all just because it is a mare.


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