Monday, September 27, 2010

Used Insulin Pumps Refurbished


More than three million hits on YouTube

WTF! So we left (a few, not all):)))

Sunday, September 26, 2010

What Do Siberian Hamsters Eat


Guillen returns to his beloved homeland after several years, and hopes to reunite with his lifelong friends, fifth "D" Promotion 1965.
All the usual Elizabethan here I reproduce an email sent by her, will realize the affection that we remember and the longing that has to reconnect.

Carmencita Dear, thanks for your message I send you a little history and some photos.
One morning in the month of May 1961, we got to school my sisters Carmela the fifth year, zoila a second year and I the first year, my fellow D first welcomed me with open arms all they offered me a seat in your folders, there was no space I was number 58 on the list, I sat in the middle of Tipacty and Bertha Rosalia Santos, throughout my time at school because you belonged to sing to the choir, no misspelled in those years and I was lucky that two of my works were published on the magazine Elizabethan.
already in fourth grade when we called the Scientific shared folder with Maria Angelica Chipana, behind us sat Ana Maria Diaz this pair will not ever stop talking, remember also that Maria Angelica singing and dancing in a loud voice that was Satisfaction Fashion, like not remembering also the show that put us Rosalia Santitos and laughed with which to mourn, love of the election campaign of Ana Maria, the assistance of The Sound of Music choir, cleaning the classroom competition where almost causing a fire in our room of the fifth D trying to burn paper to clean the slate and so we hit them all without exception: ah memories so many memories, finish high school go to the University of San Marcos_Facultad of Pharmacy and Biochemistry, where I graduated in 1971, working as Regent Laboratories collières Drogueria in the early years, then regent in Brena my own pharmacy called Pharmacy Empire.
During the difficult years that we had to live with economic changes and the beginning of terrorism decided to emigrate to Canada, Hermoza country where I arrived with my husband and my three small children, no life here was easy, a personal conversation I had with Dr Aurea Tejada Barba in a moment of my school life and guided me and will continue for the rest of my vida_: Betsy told me everything in life is difficult but not IMPOSIBLE_y you can achieve all propongas_ you with this guide get past the 7 tests were needed to validate the professional degree also beating the language barrier, and here I am putting my beloved profession of pharmacy with the pride of being the only English-speaking the province of Ontario and now Rexall Pharmacy Manager-Pharma Plus in the city of Mississauga where I live.
Now once again I can see that there is impossible and your heart through Elizabethan am about to achieve my dream of seeing my friends again College of the companions of my youth is incredible that this desire for so many years come true.
Once again thank you very much and see you soon, bye Always Elizabethan. Command
some Photos:
1 .- Great Unity Choir School Isabel la Catolica.
2 and 3 personal photos of my first year and fifth in school so that I remember. 4 .-
year student at the School of Pharmacy. 5 .- Graduation
as a pharmacist. 6 .- Empire Pharmacy

7 and 8 .- Life in Canada.
9 .- Visiting my Peru.____________


Location: Rodriguez de Mendoza 255 - PUEBLO LIBRE (spathe of the YMCA, alt. Block of Avenida Bolívar 6).

DATE: 30 October 2010

TIME. 12.30 M.


Saturday, September 11, 2010

Breast Feeding Wrestling Sleepy

Cristina Conchuda

I come from the kiosk after having gone to buy fasos and alfajores (to supply the lungs and belly) and I see it in my downstairs neighbor at the door while her husband was washing the car. I love my downstairs neighbor, I want to clarify, because he's nice, medium-pianta all have ours, and if you need it, mine and the husband is, but she thanked me who I am when she needs. "You are my extended family," he said by telephone ... Anyway. The thing is that besides to be part of my extended family (I also think so) have a problem: they are antikirchneristas. Bah, my neighbor, the husband does not say anything.
already turned the corner I see it there on the door and take the opportunity to ask him if he came Fibertel bill, she also has. As I walk into my house I think that the conversation will inevitably lead to Nestor and Cristina. And of course I was right.
- Che, I came Fibertel bill?
- No, that was going to ask, I won. To you?
- Nor.
I will not tell the whole conversation we had about Fibertel. Nothing more to add that I said that next month I will not pay a shit about anything, because I got the bill or the journal. And I suggested that either they did. He told me they ran out of internet and the next day the technician came to them, quick as a fart. But then, the issue was drifting, drifting, as I had imagined , Cristina to fall.
- And Cristina Conchuda bitch. A vos quorum does not seem to you to address the issue of insecurity? are more fascist Chavez.
- Yes, but they had to make a quorum to address the security issue was not the ruling party but the opposition has a majority. Or will they not have a majority. They must gather the votes if they want to address an issue.
- bitch But Cristina, I would have to kill any child to do something in this country because nobody does anything. Yes, I would have to kill a child to complete with the pride he has. And no one does anything at all, are worse than the other, I spend all month pay, I pay Cristina, I pay Nestor, I pay the other bastard Macri (heard, he was voted to Mauri, but I guess that I do not vote more, heh) and nobody does anything. puteaba
While I meshed, but had no means of defense. How defends to the obscenities? Whore too? Who? My neighbor? Does not. I thought Lilith by bitching at me enough to putearla, jajajja, but also because it did not fit into the conversation. So I chose one, I think, wise option: silence.
- And above we have no service, nothing works. In summer you can not use the air conditioning and in winter to cut off the gas companies.
- Well, here the gas is grateful that you pay 20 pesos. Saw that neither the Yankees and fewer Europeans are air conditioned. Electricity and gas must leave an egg and half the other.
- What? Neither have gas, you see that they die of cold? It is true, should be expensive. And the truth is to pay 150 pesos for two months of gas is not so charge. Those who are screwed are the ones who do not have natural gas. My cousin who lives in Moreno, the tube, not the bottle, gas comes out $ 200 and will not last even a month.
- you know? I'm going home because I can not stand. I take a homeopathic remedy that gave me itchy knee down and I no longer take any more of the urge to scratch. I said as I scratched for four hands with the help of jean, rough as sandpaper and therefore a high capacity for scratching. At least he managed to get a favor.
Chau - Chau

When I go up steps discover that all middle-class clichés pergueñados against Cristina's used all "Conchuda bitch," "arrogant", "no one does anything," "are fascists."
A not say the economic issue and we spoke of last month because she bought another truck (the fourth). Clarified that the three above also bought them in the Kirchner era: Before Saverio went to a fire to them all the time. And I prefer to keep quiet about it.

And here we are writing in the blog: Lilith remilparió you whore.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Yutobe Pilladas En La Calle

Fibertel IV will not go away are defeated II

Fibertel We are now 6 and I have not sent the invoice, or the Journal, which payment and my old standby religiously. It never happened that have taken so long to send the invoice. The worst thing is that I already paid this month, via the Internet, complete: both Fibertel as Cablevision. However, in the doorway where pay the bills, appeared for the first time, after the illegal merger of Cablevision with Fibertel, discriminated payment option. Indicator of something, not what. If you do not send the magazine and bill these days, next month do not pay shit.

Words To Write In A Sympathy Card - Uk

Like Jorge Rosales in today's editorial "Trial by Fire for the opposition" had read this post

the note said:

opposition this week will be a litmus test for their ability to set the political agenda in Argentina. What has been trying for some time, but the ruling party has managed to lock their plans in recent times or change the course of public discussion.

This week there. For a while the opposition has a "litmus test" to set the agenda and all that brand is the chair.

To top Gustavo Ybarra also comes with this other

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sims 2 Mac Bon Voyage No Cd

Peron and Martha Argerich: the tetra and chori

"... I was a little over 12 years, had played in Columbus and Perón had given me an appointment at the presidential residence. Mom asked if she could accompany me and he said yes, of course. I was not very Peronist, I remember was always sticking little notes everywhere saying 'Balbin-Frondizi'. He greeted us and asked, 'And where you want to go, Natita?'. And I wanted to go to Vienna to study with Friedrich Gulda. He liked that I would not go to America. The funny thing was that my mom, to ingratiate himself, told him I would love to play a concert in UES. And it seems that I must have put quite revealing a face that I did not like the idea because Peron began to go along with mum, saying "Of course ma'am, we will organize" as I winked and below the table, I did it with a finger not. He was carrying a mother and reassured me. He realized that I did not. Fantastic, right? And he gave my dad a job. He named the economic aggregate in Vienna. And mom said she thought that she was very intelligent, enterprising and capable and he got another job at the embassy. "

Martha Argerich, in magazine Classic n º 133, Buenos Aires, 1999

In 1955 Argentine President Juan Domingo Peron sent his father's economic attaché Embassy in Vienna for Martha is sure the best possible music education. There he studied with Friedrich Gulda, and later in Geneva, with Madeleine Lipatti and Nikita Magaloff .


Thursday, September 2, 2010

Women Girdle Image Searches

The government's image at the same levels of October 2007

Some Comrade Peronist left the following information:

And what's this? Reliability Index, the Government conducted by the Universidad Torcuato Di Tella. Sign Berenzstein reports, the only one who said we were losing in the 28J as I said yesterday.
A quick reading of the chart indicates an overwhelming tendency to fall. However, as clarified by the partner, today we are at the same levels of 2007 and well above the 28J. It seems that follows the rise, as shown here in the various reports
When analyzing the year 2007 indicate that the month of October, the month of voting for president, is the lowest point of the year with 1.68. For the last month under review, 2010, July, if you put a Reglita on the graph shows that the line is above that value, or 1.69. 28J for the score was 1.34. Then, if the vote were today, does that mean similar percentages of votes obtained in October 2007? No, Artemio tell. An analysis
2010, the trend, as shown in the graph is to rise. Interestingly, or not, the start of the climb, coincides with the departure of the media chocks of the stars of the opposition (though not like to own and is attributed mainly to the management of Cristina believe that the data is is lower). Of course, not be attributed the rise in 2010 to one thing or another, but rather both.
What also struck me is that chart at the beginning of the year's positive image rises. Artemio
not think but what I like.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Pokemon Doujinshi Dawn


qeu write here I have already for some time. I remember when we lost the 28J, The Nation was the one who published a survey saying that earned De Narvaez, all others claimed that the winner would Kirchner. We know the results. So, when crossing a street, I forget which, I told my dear Andrew (are you surprised!): "Before he did not believe anything in The Nation, today I believe it." Andrew said nothing. My expression, however, was a bit exaggerated. Today, I read The Nation every day, not because they believe it because "it tells me" the greatest evil that could happen to Kirchner, as it did with the 28J predicting that bad, and only time that it happened. Today the greatest evil is, for example, that "the opposition will continue its agenda because the issue of newsprint is not priority." The impression I have today is that all the greater evils, from the perspective of The Nation, that could happen to kircherismo, never happen. The day after 28J bitterness of evil greater than predicted The nation was "Kirchner is going to be alone" or something like that and then the reality show otherwise: the troops were not disbanded. Others predicted more serious problems were: "now that the opposition has a majority in the Lower House will be discussed again the Media Law" or "Now that the opposition has a majority in the Lower House will be the ones who are imposed on the Budget", "now that the opposition has most in Congress will address the withholding. " Now that the opposition has a majority in Congress will address the issue of executive veto power, the superpowers, the 300 laws, etc., Etc. .. And the truth is that greater evils, I repeat, no never arrive.
The impression I have is that they are defeated, they write in the air and in the future. The Nation is dedicated to predict, and not even reported, and if you do twists on par Clarín. And do not report because it has nothing to report that favors them, at least in the legislative issue. Today the deputies could not reach quorum and the Nation did not even notice while a few days ago reported that "the opposition will continue its agenda because newsprint is not a priority." As stated by the General Perón: "The only truth is the reality"
See Pagni, which is right but I consider very intelligent, writing about said Patricia Bullrich a stupid note, of all kinds very different from those usually write it and I could have written Makhoul, clear leaves are defeated. Do not know how to give reality to the predictions. There is no one to turn to, no doors to the barracks to hit, and have no policy to represent quality. Some claim form as Morales Solá, but the boy is late. At other times it was easy, they are now much more complicated and more taking the horse in front with a large ovarian ASI and Totu that far surpasses all political players in the world. Notwithstanding
that sometimes I think there are politicians who are shown as right- speaking to exit in the papers, but after playing for Kirchner. I have no basis for saying this, but rather by the insight that fear the power or are resigned to never going to achieve. You can not say that the country functions in the hands of Kirchner because they are opposed, but in the background .... my delirium perhaps I just do not stick together! There can be no stick or a. Les goes all wrong, do not take a law, fight amongst themselves, it sends a very questionable phrases like "since leaving the universal allowance increased consumption of paco and alcohol" and so on., Phrases that could only say them a boy of 15 years without any knowledge related to the social. I refuse to believe that they are so bad.

Or just be this bad?

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm

are defeated will not disappear III

This post is just to tell the commentators concerned about my situation with Fibertel that, despite being asked not pass on Monday to change the modem today I have phoned repeatedly from eight the morning (not attended) and then SENT ME THE ENGINEERS! They rang the bell, I saw, although I made them. I told them I had asked him not to pass. The kid did not insist.

Ergo, I am more shit today than yesterday!