Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Pokemon Doujinshi Dawn


qeu write here I have already for some time. I remember when we lost the 28J, The Nation was the one who published a survey saying that earned De Narvaez, all others claimed that the winner would Kirchner. We know the results. So, when crossing a street, I forget which, I told my dear Andrew (are you surprised!): "Before he did not believe anything in The Nation, today I believe it." Andrew said nothing. My expression, however, was a bit exaggerated. Today, I read The Nation every day, not because they believe it because "it tells me" the greatest evil that could happen to Kirchner, as it did with the 28J predicting that bad, and only time that it happened. Today the greatest evil is, for example, that "the opposition will continue its agenda because the issue of newsprint is not priority." The impression I have today is that all the greater evils, from the perspective of The Nation, that could happen to kircherismo, never happen. The day after 28J bitterness of evil greater than predicted The nation was "Kirchner is going to be alone" or something like that and then the reality show otherwise: the troops were not disbanded. Others predicted more serious problems were: "now that the opposition has a majority in the Lower House will be discussed again the Media Law" or "Now that the opposition has a majority in the Lower House will be the ones who are imposed on the Budget", "now that the opposition has most in Congress will address the withholding. " Now that the opposition has a majority in Congress will address the issue of executive veto power, the superpowers, the 300 laws, etc., Etc. .. And the truth is that greater evils, I repeat, no never arrive.
The impression I have is that they are defeated, they write in the air and in the future. The Nation is dedicated to predict, and not even reported, and if you do twists on par Clarín. And do not report because it has nothing to report that favors them, at least in the legislative issue. Today the deputies could not reach quorum and the Nation did not even notice while a few days ago reported that "the opposition will continue its agenda because newsprint is not a priority." As stated by the General Perón: "The only truth is the reality"
See Pagni, which is right but I consider very intelligent, writing about said Patricia Bullrich a stupid note, of all kinds very different from those usually write it and I could have written Makhoul, clear leaves are defeated. Do not know how to give reality to the predictions. There is no one to turn to, no doors to the barracks to hit, and have no policy to represent quality. Some claim form as Morales Solá, but the boy is late. At other times it was easy, they are now much more complicated and more taking the horse in front with a large ovarian ASI and Totu that far surpasses all political players in the world. Notwithstanding
that sometimes I think there are politicians who are shown as right- speaking to exit in the papers, but after playing for Kirchner. I have no basis for saying this, but rather by the insight that fear the power or are resigned to never going to achieve. You can not say that the country functions in the hands of Kirchner because they are opposed, but in the background .... my delirium perhaps I just do not stick together! There can be no stick or a. Les goes all wrong, do not take a law, fight amongst themselves, it sends a very questionable phrases like "since leaving the universal allowance increased consumption of paco and alcohol" and so on., Phrases that could only say them a boy of 15 years without any knowledge related to the social. I refuse to believe that they are so bad.

Or just be this bad?


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