Saturday, September 11, 2010

Breast Feeding Wrestling Sleepy

Cristina Conchuda

I come from the kiosk after having gone to buy fasos and alfajores (to supply the lungs and belly) and I see it in my downstairs neighbor at the door while her husband was washing the car. I love my downstairs neighbor, I want to clarify, because he's nice, medium-pianta all have ours, and if you need it, mine and the husband is, but she thanked me who I am when she needs. "You are my extended family," he said by telephone ... Anyway. The thing is that besides to be part of my extended family (I also think so) have a problem: they are antikirchneristas. Bah, my neighbor, the husband does not say anything.
already turned the corner I see it there on the door and take the opportunity to ask him if he came Fibertel bill, she also has. As I walk into my house I think that the conversation will inevitably lead to Nestor and Cristina. And of course I was right.
- Che, I came Fibertel bill?
- No, that was going to ask, I won. To you?
- Nor.
I will not tell the whole conversation we had about Fibertel. Nothing more to add that I said that next month I will not pay a shit about anything, because I got the bill or the journal. And I suggested that either they did. He told me they ran out of internet and the next day the technician came to them, quick as a fart. But then, the issue was drifting, drifting, as I had imagined , Cristina to fall.
- And Cristina Conchuda bitch. A vos quorum does not seem to you to address the issue of insecurity? are more fascist Chavez.
- Yes, but they had to make a quorum to address the security issue was not the ruling party but the opposition has a majority. Or will they not have a majority. They must gather the votes if they want to address an issue.
- bitch But Cristina, I would have to kill any child to do something in this country because nobody does anything. Yes, I would have to kill a child to complete with the pride he has. And no one does anything at all, are worse than the other, I spend all month pay, I pay Cristina, I pay Nestor, I pay the other bastard Macri (heard, he was voted to Mauri, but I guess that I do not vote more, heh) and nobody does anything. puteaba
While I meshed, but had no means of defense. How defends to the obscenities? Whore too? Who? My neighbor? Does not. I thought Lilith by bitching at me enough to putearla, jajajja, but also because it did not fit into the conversation. So I chose one, I think, wise option: silence.
- And above we have no service, nothing works. In summer you can not use the air conditioning and in winter to cut off the gas companies.
- Well, here the gas is grateful that you pay 20 pesos. Saw that neither the Yankees and fewer Europeans are air conditioned. Electricity and gas must leave an egg and half the other.
- What? Neither have gas, you see that they die of cold? It is true, should be expensive. And the truth is to pay 150 pesos for two months of gas is not so charge. Those who are screwed are the ones who do not have natural gas. My cousin who lives in Moreno, the tube, not the bottle, gas comes out $ 200 and will not last even a month.
- you know? I'm going home because I can not stand. I take a homeopathic remedy that gave me itchy knee down and I no longer take any more of the urge to scratch. I said as I scratched for four hands with the help of jean, rough as sandpaper and therefore a high capacity for scratching. At least he managed to get a favor.
Chau - Chau

When I go up steps discover that all middle-class clichés pergueñados against Cristina's used all "Conchuda bitch," "arrogant", "no one does anything," "are fascists."
A not say the economic issue and we spoke of last month because she bought another truck (the fourth). Clarified that the three above also bought them in the Kirchner era: Before Saverio went to a fire to them all the time. And I prefer to keep quiet about it.

And here we are writing in the blog: Lilith remilparió you whore.


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